Risharde Ramnath bba096323a Fixed a mix up of validation for ID which should have been for seqid. Removed validation for ID. Altered tests to properly work. Added new test for invalid character in seqid/landmark id 4 years ago
FASTAImporterTest.php 5a8103068a run phpstorm base style formatter 6 years ago
GFF3ImporterTest.php bba096323a Fixed a mix up of validation for ID which should have been for seqid. Removed validation for ID. Altered tests to properly work. Added new test for invalid character in seqid/landmark id 4 years ago
OBOImporterTest.php 5a8103068a run phpstorm base style formatter 6 years ago
TaxonomyImporterTest.php 5a8103068a run phpstorm base style formatter 6 years ago