tripal_analysis_interpro.js 1.3 KB

  1. if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {
  2. $(document).ready(function(){
  3. var fontcolor = $(".interpro_results_table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a").parent().prev().css('color');
  4. // Disable the hyperlink for sequences in the interpro box
  5. $(".tripal_interpro_results_table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a").removeAttr('href');
  6. $(".tripal_interpro_results_table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a").css('font-weight','normal');
  7. $(".tripal_interpro_results_table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a").css('text-decoration','none');
  8. $(".tripal_interpro_results_table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a").css('color',fontcolor);
  9. // Allow selection of "Load GO term to the database" only when the submitting job to parse
  10. // html output is enabled
  11. isSubmittingJob ();
  12. });
  13. // Disable parse GO checkbox if no interpro job is submitted
  14. function isSubmittingJob () {
  15. if ($('#edit-interprojob').is(":checked")) {
  16. var fontcolor = $("#edit-parsego").parent().parent().prev().children().css('color');
  17. $("#edit-parsego").attr('disabled', false);
  18. $("#edit-parsego-wrapper").css("color", fontcolor);
  19. } else {
  20. $("#edit-parsego").attr('checked', false);
  21. $("#edit-parsego").attr('disabled', true);
  22. $("#edit-parsego-wrapper").css("color", "grey");
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }