14 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Provides an API to manage custom tables in Chado.
  5. */
  6. /**
  7. * @defgroup tripal_custom_tables_api Chado Custom Tables
  8. * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
  9. * @{
  10. * Provides an API to manage custom tables in Chado.
  11. * @}
  12. */
  13. /**
  14. * Edits a custom table in the chado database. It supports
  15. * using the Drupal Schema API array.
  16. *
  17. * @param $table_id
  18. * The table_id of the table to edit
  19. * @param $table_name
  20. * The name of the custom table
  21. * @param $schema
  22. * Use the Schema API array to define the custom table.
  23. * @param $skip_if_exists
  24. * Set as TRUE to skip dropping and re-creation of the table. This is
  25. * useful if the table was already created through another means and you
  26. * simply want to make Tripal aware of the table schema.
  27. *
  28. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  29. */
  30. function chado_edit_custom_table($table_id, $table_name, $schema, $skip_if_exists = 1) {
  31. $transaction = db_transaction();
  32. try {
  33. // Create a new record
  34. $record = new stdClass();
  35. $record->table_id = $table_id;
  36. $record->table_name = $table_name;
  37. $record->schema = serialize($schema);
  38. // get the current custom table record
  39. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_id = :table_id";
  40. $results = db_query($sql, array(':table_id' => $table_id));
  41. $custom_table = $results->fetchObject();
  42. // if this is a materialized view then don't allow editing with this function
  43. if ($custom_table->mview_id) {
  44. tripal_report_error('tripal_chado', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Please use the tripal_edit_mview() function to edit this custom table as it is a materialized view.", array());
  45. drupal_set_message("This custom table is a materialized view. Please use the " . l('Materialized View', 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/mviews') . " interface to edit it.", 'error');
  46. return FALSE;
  47. }
  48. // if the user changed the table name, we want to drop the old one and force
  49. // creation of the new one.
  50. if ($custom_table->table_name != $table_name) {
  51. chado_query("DROP TABLE %s", $custom_table->table_name);
  52. $skip_if_exists = 0; // we want to create the table
  53. }
  54. // if skip creation is not set, then drop the table from chado if it exists
  55. if (!$skip_if_exists) {
  56. if (db_table_exists($custom_table->table_name)) {
  57. chado_query("DROP TABLE %s", $custom_table->table_name);
  58. drupal_set_message(t("Custom Table " . $custom_table->table_name . " dropped"));
  59. }
  60. }
  61. // update the custom table record and run the create custom table function
  62. drupal_write_record('tripal_custom_tables', $record, 'table_id');
  63. $success = chado_create_custom_table ($table_name, $schema, $skip_if_exists);
  64. // Re-add the custom table to the semantic web interface to pick up any
  65. // changes in fields.
  66. tripal_add_chado_semweb_table($table_name);
  67. }
  68. catch (Exception $e) {
  69. $transaction->rollback();
  70. watchdog_exception('tripal_chado', $e);
  71. $error = _drupal_decode_exception($e);
  72. drupal_set_message(t("Could not update custom table '%table_name': %message.",
  73. array('%table_name' => $table, '%message' => $error['!message'])), 'error');
  74. return FALSE;
  75. }
  76. return TRUE;
  77. }
  78. /**
  79. * Add a new table to the Chado schema. This function is simply a wrapper for
  80. * the db_create_table() function of Drupal, but ensures the table is created
  81. * inside the Chado schema rather than the Drupal schema. If the table already
  82. * exists then it will be dropped and recreated using the schema provided.
  83. * However, it will only drop a table if it exsits in the tripal_custom_tables
  84. * table. This way the function cannot be used to accidentally alter existing
  85. * non custom tables. If $skip_if_exists is set then the table is simply
  86. * added to the tripal_custom_tables and no table is created in Chado.
  87. *
  88. * If you are creating a materialized view do not use this function, but rather
  89. * use the tripal_add_mview(). A materialized view is also considered a custom table
  90. * and an entry for it will be added to both the tripal_mviews and
  91. * tripal_custom_tables tables, but only if the tripal_add_mview() function is
  92. * used. The optional $mview_id parameters in this function is intended
  93. * for use by the tripal_add_mview() function when it calls this function
  94. * to create the table.
  95. *
  96. * @param $table
  97. * The name of the table to create.
  98. * @param $schema
  99. * A Drupal-style Schema API definition of the table
  100. * @param $skip_if_exists
  101. * Set as TRUE to skip dropping and re-creation of the table if it already
  102. * exists. This is useful if the table was already created through another
  103. * means and you simply want to make Tripal aware of the table schema. If the
  104. * table does not exist it will be created.
  105. * @param $mview_id
  106. * Optional. If this custom table is also a materialized view then provide
  107. * it's mview_id. This paramter is intended only when this function
  108. * is called by the tripal_add_mview() function. When creating a custom
  109. * table you shouldn't need to use this parameter.
  110. * @param $redirect
  111. * Optional (default: TRUE). By default this function redirects back to
  112. * admin pages. However, when called by Drush we don't want to redirect. This
  113. * parameter allows this to be used as a true API function.
  114. * @return
  115. * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
  116. *
  117. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  118. */
  119. function chado_create_custom_table($table, $schema, $skip_if_exists = TRUE,
  120. $mview_id = NULL, $redirect = TRUE) {
  121. global $databases;
  122. $created = 0;
  123. $recreated = 0;
  124. $chado_schema = tripal_get_schema_name('chado');
  125. $chado_dot = $chado_schema . '.';
  126. $transaction = db_transaction();
  127. try {
  128. // see if the table entry already exists in the tripal_custom_tables table.
  129. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_name = :table_name";
  130. $results = db_query($sql, array(':table_name' => $table));
  131. $centry = $results->fetchObject();
  132. // check to see if the table already exists in the chado schema
  133. $exists = chado_table_exists($table);
  134. // if the table does not exist then create it
  135. if (!$exists) {
  136. $ret = db_create_table($chado_dot . $table, $schema);
  137. $created = 1;
  138. }
  139. // if the table exists in Chado and in our custom table and
  140. // skip creation is turned off then drop and re-create the table
  141. if ($exists and is_object($centry) and !$skip_if_exists) {
  142. // drop the table we'll recreate it with the new schema
  143. chado_query('DROP TABLE {' . $table . '}');
  144. // remove any 'referring_tables' from the array as the db_create_table doesn't use that
  145. $new_schema = $schema;
  146. if (array_key_exists('referring_tables', $new_schema)) {
  147. unset($new_schema['referring_tables']);
  148. }
  149. db_create_table($chado_dot . $table, $new_schema);
  150. $recreated = 1;
  151. }
  152. // add an entry in the tripal_custom_table
  153. $record = new stdClass();
  154. $record->table_name = $table;
  155. $record->schema = serialize($schema);
  156. if ($mview_id) {
  157. $record->mview_id = $mview_id;
  158. }
  159. // if an entry already exists then remove it
  160. if ($centry) {
  161. $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_name = :table_name";
  162. db_query($sql, array(':table_name' => $table));
  163. }
  164. $success = drupal_write_record('tripal_custom_tables', $record);
  165. // now add any foreign key constraints
  166. if (($created or !$skip_if_exists) and array_key_exists('foreign keys', $schema)) {
  167. // iterate through the foreign keys and add each one
  168. $fkeys = $schema['foreign keys'];
  169. foreach ($fkeys as $fktable => $fkdetails) {
  170. $relations = $fkdetails['columns'];
  171. foreach ($relations as $left => $right) {
  172. $sql = '
  173. ALTER TABLE {' . $table . '}
  174. ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $table . '_' . $left . '_fkey FOREIGN KEY (' . $left . ')
  175. REFERENCES {' . $fktable . '} (' . $right . ')
  177. ';
  178. chado_query($sql);
  179. }
  180. }
  181. }
  182. // Add the custom table to the semantic web interface
  183. tripal_add_chado_semweb_table($table);
  184. }
  185. catch (Exception $e) {
  186. $transaction->rollback();
  187. $error = $e->getMessage();
  188. watchdog_exception('tripal_chado', $e);
  189. drupal_set_message(t("Could not add custom table '%table_name': %message.",
  190. array('%table_name' => $table, '%message' => $error)), 'error');
  191. return FALSE;
  192. }
  193. if ($created) {
  194. drupal_set_message("Custom table, '" . $table . "' , created successfully.", 'status');
  195. }
  196. elseif ($recreated) {
  197. drupal_set_message("Custom table, '" . $table . "' , re-created successfully.", 'status');
  198. }
  199. else {
  200. drupal_set_message("Custom table, '" . $table . "' , already exists. Table structure not changed, but definition array has been saved.", 'status');
  201. }
  202. // Only redirect if asked to. This allows us to not try to redirect when this
  203. // function is called by Drush.
  204. if ($redirect) {
  205. if ($mview_id) {
  206. drupal_goto('admin/tripal/storage/chado/mviews/');
  207. }
  208. else {
  209. drupal_goto('admin/tripal/storage/chado/custom_tables');
  210. }
  211. }
  212. return TRUE;
  213. }
  214. /**
  215. * This function is used to validate a Drupal Schema API array prior to
  216. * passing it ot the chado_create_custom_table_schema(). This function
  217. * can be used in a form validate function or whenver a schema is provided by
  218. * a user and needs validation.
  219. *
  220. * @param $schema_array
  221. * the Drupal Schema API compatible array
  222. *
  223. * @return
  224. * An empty string for success or a message string for failure
  225. *
  226. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  227. */
  228. function chado_validate_custom_table_schema($schema_array) {
  229. if (is_array($schema_array) and !array_key_exists('table', $schema_array)) {
  230. return "The schema array must have key named 'table'";
  231. }
  232. if (preg_match('/[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/', $schema_array['table'])) {
  233. return "Postgres will automatically change the table name to lower-case. To prevent unwanted side-effects, please rename the table with all lower-case characters.";
  234. }
  235. // check index length
  236. if (array_key_exists('indexes', $schema_array)) {
  237. foreach ($schema_array['indexes'] as $index_name => $details) {
  238. if (strlen($schema_array['table'] . '_' . $index_name) > 60) {
  239. return "One ore more index names appear to be too long. For example: '" . $schema_array['table'] . '_' . $index_name .
  240. ".' Index names are created by concatenating the table name with the index name provided " .
  241. "in the 'indexes' array of the schema. Please alter any indexes that when combined with the table name are " .
  242. "longer than 60 characters.";
  243. }
  244. }
  245. }
  246. // check unique key length
  247. if (array_key_exists('unique keys', $schema_array)) {
  248. foreach ($schema_array['unique keys'] as $index_name => $details) {
  249. if (strlen($schema_array['table'] . '_' . $index_name) > 60) {
  250. return "One ore more unique key names appear to be too long. For example: '" . $schema_array['table'] . '_' . $index_name .
  251. ".' Unique key names are created by concatenating the table name with the key name provided " .
  252. "in the 'unique keys' array of the schema. Please alter any unique keys that when combined with the table name are " .
  253. "longer than 60 characters.";
  254. }
  255. }
  256. }
  257. }
  258. /**
  259. * Retrieve the custom table id given the name
  260. *
  261. * @param $table_name
  262. * The name of the custom table
  263. *
  264. * @return
  265. * The unique identifier for the given table
  266. *
  267. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  268. */
  269. function chado_get_custom_table_id($table_name) {
  270. if (db_table_exists('tripal_custom_tables')) {
  271. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_name = :table_name";
  272. $results = db_query($sql, array(':table_name' => $table_name));
  273. $custom_table = $results->fetchObject();
  274. if ($custom_table) {
  275. return $custom_table->table_id;
  276. }
  277. }
  278. return FALSE;
  279. }
  280. /**
  281. * Retrieves the list of custom tables in this site.
  282. *
  283. * @returns
  284. * An associative array where the key and value pairs are the table names.
  285. *
  286. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  287. */
  288. function chado_get_custom_table_names($include_mview = TRUE) {
  289. $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM {tripal_custom_tables}";
  290. if (!$include_mview) {
  291. $sql .= " WHERE mview_id IS NULL";
  292. }
  293. $resource = db_query($sql);
  294. foreach ($resource as $r) {
  295. $tables[$r->table_name] = $r->table_name;
  296. }
  297. asort($tables);
  298. return $tables;
  299. }
  300. /**
  301. * Deletes the specified custom table
  302. *
  303. * @param $table_id
  304. * The unique ID of the custom table for the action to be performed on
  305. *
  306. * @ingroup tripal_custom_tables_api
  307. */
  308. function chado_delete_custom_table($table_id) {
  309. global $user;
  310. $args = array("$table_id");
  311. if (!$table_id) {
  312. return '';
  313. }
  314. // get this table details
  315. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_id = :table_id";
  316. $results = db_query($sql, array(':table_id' => $table_id));
  317. $custom_table = $results->fetchObject();
  318. // if this is a materialized view then don't allow deletion with this function
  319. if ($custom_table->mview_id) {
  320. tripal_report_error('tripal_chado', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Please use the tripal_delete_mview() function to delete this custom table as it is a materialized view. Table not deleted.", array());
  321. drupal_set_message("This custom table is a materialized view. Please use the " . l('Materialized View', 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/mviews') . " interface to delete it.", 'error');
  322. return FALSE;
  323. }
  324. // remove the entry from the tripal_custom tables table
  325. $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_id = $table_id";
  326. $success = db_query($sql);
  327. if ($success) {
  328. drupal_set_message(t("Custom Table '%name' removed", array('%name' => $custom_table->table_name)));
  329. }
  330. // drop the table from chado if it exists
  331. if (chado_table_exists($custom_table->table_name)) {
  332. $success = chado_query("DROP TABLE {" . $custom_table->table_name . "}");
  333. if ($success) {
  334. drupal_set_message(t("Custom Table '%name' dropped", array('%name' => $custom_table->table_name)));
  335. }
  336. else {
  337. tripal_report_error('tripal_chado', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Cannot drop the custom table: %name", array('%name' => $custom_table->table_name));
  338. drupal_set_message(t("Cannot drop the custom table: '%name'", array('%name' => $custom_table->table_name)));
  339. }
  340. }
  341. }