44 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * @todo Add file header description
  5. */
  6. /**
  7. * @defgroup gff3_loader GFF3 Feature Loader
  8. * @{
  9. * Provides gff3 loading functionality. Creates features based on their specification in a GFF3 file.
  10. * @}
  11. * @ingroup tripal_feature
  12. */
  13. // TODO: The rank column on the feature_relationship table needs to be used to
  14. // make sure the ordering of CDS (exons) is correct.
  15. // The entries in the GFF file are not in order so the order of the relationships
  16. // is not put in correctly.
  17. /**
  18. *
  19. *
  20. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  21. */
  22. function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form() {
  23. $form['gff_file']= array(
  24. '#type' => 'textfield',
  25. '#title' => t('GFF3 File'),
  26. '#description' => t('Please enter the full system path for the GFF file, or a path within the Drupal
  27. installation (e.g. /sites/default/files/xyz.gff). The path must be accessible to the
  28. server on which this Drupal instance is running.'),
  29. '#required' => TRUE,
  30. '#weight' => 1
  31. );
  32. // get the list of organisms
  33. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} ORDER BY genus, species";
  34. $previous_db = tripal_db_set_active('chado'); // use chado database
  35. $org_rset = db_query($sql);
  36. tripal_db_set_active($previous_db); // now use drupal database
  37. $organisms = array();
  38. $organisms[''] = '';
  39. while ($organism = db_fetch_object($org_rset)) {
  40. $organisms[$organism->organism_id] = "$organism->genus $organism->species ($organism->common_name)";
  41. }
  42. $form['organism_id'] = array(
  43. '#title' => t('Organism'),
  44. '#type' => t('select'),
  45. '#description' => t("Choose the organism to which these sequences are associated"),
  46. '#required' => TRUE,
  47. '#options' => $organisms,
  48. );
  49. $form['import_options'] = array(
  50. '#type' => 'fieldset',
  51. '#title' => t('Import Options'),
  52. '#weight' => 6,
  53. '#collapsed' => TRUE
  54. );
  55. $form['import_options']['add_only']= array(
  56. '#type' => 'checkbox',
  57. '#title' => t('Import only new features'),
  58. '#required' => FALSE,
  59. '#description' => t('The job will skip features in the GFF file that already
  60. exist in the database and import only new features.'),
  61. '#weight' => 2
  62. );
  63. $form['import_options']['update']= array(
  64. '#type' => 'checkbox',
  65. '#title' => t('Import all and update'),
  66. '#required' => FALSE,
  67. '#default_value' => 'checked',
  68. '#description' => t('Existing features will be updated and new features will be added. Attributes
  69. for a feature that are not present in the GFF but which are present in the
  70. database will not be altered.'),
  71. '#weight' => 3
  72. );
  73. $form['import_options']['refresh']= array(
  74. '#type' => 'checkbox',
  75. '#title' => t('Import all and replace'),
  76. '#required' => FALSE,
  77. '#description' => t('Existing features will be updated and feature properties not
  78. present in the GFF file will be removed.'),
  79. '#weight' => 4
  80. );
  81. $form['import_options']['remove']= array(
  82. '#type' => 'checkbox',
  83. '#title' => t('Delete features'),
  84. '#required' => FALSE,
  85. '#description' => t('Features present in the GFF file that exist in the database
  86. will be removed rather than imported'),
  87. '#weight' => 5
  88. );
  89. $form['analysis'] = array(
  90. '#type' => 'fieldset',
  91. '#title' => t('Analysis Used to Derive Features'),
  92. '#weight' => 6,
  93. '#collapsed' => TRUE
  94. );
  95. $form['analysis']['desc'] = array(
  96. '#type' => 'markup',
  97. '#value' => t("Why specify an analysis for a data load? All data comes
  98. from some place, even if downloaded from Genbank. By specifying
  99. analysis details for all data uploads, it allows an end user to reproduce the
  100. data set, but at least indicates the source of the data."),
  101. );
  102. // get the list of analyses
  103. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {analysis} ORDER BY name";
  104. $previous_db = tripal_db_set_active('chado'); // use chado database
  105. $org_rset = db_query($sql);
  106. tripal_db_set_active($previous_db); // now use drupal database
  107. $analyses = array();
  108. $analyses[''] = '';
  109. while ($analysis = db_fetch_object($org_rset)) {
  110. $analyses[$analysis->analysis_id] = "$analysis->name ($analysis->program $analysis->programversion, $analysis->sourcename)";
  111. }
  112. $form['analysis']['analysis_id'] = array(
  113. '#title' => t('Analysis'),
  114. '#type' => t('select'),
  115. '#description' => t("Choose the analysis to which these features are associated"),
  116. '#required' => TRUE,
  117. '#options' => $analyses,
  118. );
  119. $form['button'] = array(
  120. '#type' => 'submit',
  121. '#value' => t('Import GFF3 file'),
  122. '#weight' => 10,
  123. );
  124. return $form;
  125. }
  126. /**
  127. *
  128. *
  129. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  130. */
  131. function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  132. $gff_file = $form_state['values']['gff_file'];
  133. $organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id'];
  134. $add_only = $form_state['values']['add_only'];
  135. $update = $form_state['values']['update'];
  136. $refresh = $form_state['values']['refresh'];
  137. $remove = $form_state['values']['remove'];
  138. // check to see if the file is located local to Drupal
  139. $dfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . $gff_file;
  140. if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
  141. // if not local to Drupal, the file must be someplace else, just use
  142. // the full path provided
  143. $dfile = $gff_file;
  144. }
  145. if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
  146. form_set_error('gff_file', t("Cannot find the file on the system. Check that the file exists or that the web server has permissions to read the file."));
  147. }
  148. // @coder-ignore: there are no functions being called here
  149. // @todo: break each line of this conditional into separate variables to make more readable
  150. if (($add_only AND ($update OR $refresh OR $remove)) OR
  151. ($update AND ($add_only OR $refresh OR $remove)) OR
  152. ($refresh AND ($update OR $add_only OR $remove)) OR
  153. ($remove AND ($update OR $refresh OR $add_only))) {
  154. form_set_error('add_only', t("Please select only one checkbox from the import options section"));
  155. }
  156. }
  157. /**
  158. *
  159. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  160. */
  161. function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  162. global $user;
  163. $gff_file = $form_state['values']['gff_file'];
  164. $organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id'];
  165. $add_only = $form_state['values']['add_only'];
  166. $update = $form_state['values']['update'];
  167. $refresh = $form_state['values']['refresh'];
  168. $remove = $form_state['values']['remove'];
  169. $analysis_id = $form_state['values']['analysis_id'];
  170. $args = array($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id, $add_only, $update, $refresh, $remove);
  171. $type = '';
  172. if ($add_only) {
  173. $type = 'import only new features';
  174. }
  175. if ($update) {
  176. $type = 'import all and update';
  177. }
  178. if ($refresh) {
  179. $type = 'import all and replace';
  180. }
  181. if ($remove) {
  182. $type = 'delete features';
  183. }
  184. tripal_add_job("$type GFF3 file $gff_file", 'tripal_feature',
  185. 'tripal_feature_load_gff3', $args, $user->uid);
  186. return '';
  187. }
  188. /**
  189. *
  190. *
  191. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  192. */
  193. function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id, $add_only =0, $update = 0, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0, $job = NULL) {
  194. // this array is used to cache all of the features in the GFF file and
  195. // used to lookup parent and target relationships
  196. $gff_features = array();
  197. // check to see if the file is located local to Drupal
  198. $dfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . $gff_file;
  199. if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
  200. // if not local to Drupal, the file must be someplace else, just use
  201. // the full path provided
  202. $dfile = $gff_file;
  203. }
  204. if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
  205. print "ERROR: cannot find the file: $dfile\n";
  206. return 0;
  207. }
  208. $previous_db = tripal_db_set_active('chado');
  209. print "Opening $gff_file\n";
  210. //$lines = file($dfile,FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
  211. $fh = fopen($dfile, 'r');
  212. if (!$fh) {
  213. print "ERROR: cannot open file: $dfile\n";
  214. return 0;
  215. }
  216. $filesize = filesize($dfile);
  217. // get the controlled vocaubulary that we'll be using. The
  218. // default is the 'sequence' ontology
  219. // @coder-ignore: non-drupal schema thus table prefixing does not apply
  220. $sql = "SELECT * FROM cv WHERE name = '%s'";
  221. $cv = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, 'sequence'));
  222. if (!$cv) {
  223. print "ERROR: cannot find the 'sequence' ontology\n";
  224. return '';
  225. }
  226. // get the organism for which this GFF3 file belongs
  227. // @coder-ignore: non-drupal schema thus table prefixing does not apply
  228. $sql = "SELECT * FROM organism WHERE organism_id = %d";
  229. $organism = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $organism_id));
  230. $interval = intval($filesize * 0.01);
  231. if ($interval == 0) {
  232. $interval = 1;
  233. }
  234. $in_fasta = 0;
  235. // foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
  236. $line_num = 0;
  237. $num_read = 0;
  238. while ($line = fgets($fh)) {
  239. $line_num++;
  240. $num_read += drupal_strlen($line);
  241. // update the job status every 1% features
  242. if ($job and $num_read % $interval == 0) {
  243. tripal_job_set_progress($job, intval(($num_read/$filesize)*100));
  244. }
  245. // check to see if we have FASTA section, if so then set the variable
  246. // to start parsing
  247. if (preg_match('/^##FASTA/i', $line)) {
  248. $in_fasta = 1;
  249. break;
  250. }
  251. // skip comments
  252. if (preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {
  253. continue;
  254. }
  255. // skip empty lines
  256. if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $line)) {
  257. continue;
  258. }
  259. // handle FASTA section
  260. // TODO: handle URL encoding
  261. // remove URL encoding and get the columns
  262. $cols = explode("\t", $line);
  263. if (sizeof($cols) != 9) {
  264. print "ERROR: improper number of columns on line $line_num\n";
  265. print_r($cols);
  266. return '';
  267. }
  268. // get the column values
  269. $landmark = $cols[0];
  270. $source = $cols[1];
  271. $type = $cols[2];
  272. $start = $cols[3];
  273. $end = $cols[4];
  274. $score = $cols[5];
  275. $strand = $cols[6];
  276. $phase = $cols[7];
  277. $attrs = explode(";", $cols[8]); // split by a semi-colon
  278. // ready the start and stop for chado. Chado expects these positions
  279. // to be zero-based, so we substract 1 from the fmin
  280. $fmin = $start - 1;
  281. $fmax = $end;
  282. if ($end < $start) {
  283. $fmin = $end - 1;
  284. $fmax = $start;
  285. }
  286. // format the strand for chado
  287. if (strcmp($strand, '.')==0) {
  288. $strand = 0;
  289. }
  290. elseif (strcmp($strand, '+')==0) {
  291. $strand = 1;
  292. }
  293. elseif (strcmp($strand, '-')==0) {
  294. $strand = -1;
  295. }
  296. if (strcmp($phase, '.')==0) {
  297. $phase = '';
  298. }
  299. // get the type record
  300. $cvtermsql = "SELECT CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.cv_id,, CVT.definition,
  301. CVT.dbxref_id, CVT.is_obsolete, CVT.is_relationshiptype
  302. FROM {cvterm} CVT
  303. INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
  304. LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
  305. WHERE CV.cv_id = %d and ( = '%s' or CVTS.synonym = '%s')";
  306. $cvterm = db_fetch_object(db_query($cvtermsql, $cv->cv_id, $type, $type));
  307. if (!$cvterm) {
  308. print "ERROR: cannot find ontology term '$type' on line $line_num.\n";
  309. return '';
  310. }
  311. // break apart each of the attributes
  312. $tags = array();
  313. $attr_name = '';
  314. $attr_uniquename = '';
  315. $attr_residue_info = '';
  316. $attr_locgroup = 0;
  317. $attr_fmin_partial = 'f';
  318. $attr_fmax_partial = 'f';
  319. $attr_is_obsolete = 'f';
  320. $attr_is_analysis = 'f';
  321. $attr_others = '';
  322. $residues = '';
  323. foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
  324. $attr = rtrim($attr);
  325. $attr = ltrim($attr);
  326. if (strcmp($attr, '')==0) {
  327. continue;
  328. }
  329. if (!preg_match('/^[^\=]+\=.+$/', $attr)) {
  330. print "ERROR: attribute is not correctly formatted on line $line_num: $attr\n";
  331. return '';
  332. }
  333. // break apart each tag
  334. $tag = preg_split("/=/", $attr, 2); // split by equals sign
  335. // multiple instances of an attribute are separated by commas
  336. $tags[$tag[0]] = explode(",", $tag[1]); // split by comma
  337. if (strcmp($tag[0], 'ID')==0) {
  338. $attr_uniquename = $tag[1];
  339. }
  340. elseif (strcmp($tag[0], 'Name')==0) {
  341. $attr_name = $tag[1];
  342. }
  343. // get the list of other attributes other than those reserved ones.
  344. elseif (strcmp($tag[0], 'Alias')!=0 and strcmp($tag[0], 'Parent')!=0 and
  345. strcmp($tag[0], 'Target')!=0 and strcmp($tag[0], 'Gap')!=0 and
  346. strcmp($tag[0], 'Derives_from')!=0 and strcmp($tag[0], 'Note')!=0 and
  347. strcmp($tag[0], 'Dbxref')!=0 and strcmp($tag[0], 'Ontology_term')!=0 and
  348. strcmp($tag[0], 'Is_circular')!=0) {
  349. $attr_others[$tag[0]] = $tag[1];
  350. }
  351. }
  352. // if neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one
  353. if (!$attr_uniquename and !$attr_name) {
  354. if (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
  355. $attr_uniquename = $tags['Parent'][0] . "-$type-$landmark:$fmin..$fmax";
  356. }
  357. else {
  358. print "ERROR: cannot generate a uniquename for feature on line $line_num\n";
  359. exit;
  360. }
  361. $attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
  362. }
  363. // if a name is not specified then use the unique name
  364. if (strcmp($attr_name, '')==0) {
  365. $attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
  366. }
  367. // if an ID attribute is not specified then use the attribute name and
  368. // hope for the best
  369. if (!$attr_uniquename) {
  370. $attr_uniquename = $attr_name;
  371. }
  372. // make sure the landmark sequence exists in the database. We don't
  373. // know the type of the landmark so we'll hope that it's unique across
  374. // all types. If not we'll error out. This test is only necessary if
  375. // if the landmark and the uniquename are different. If they are the same
  376. // then this is the information for the landmark
  377. if (strcmp($landmark, $attr_uniquename)!=0) {
  378. $feature_sql = "SELECT count(*) as num_landmarks
  379. FROM {feature}
  380. WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s'";
  381. $count = db_fetch_object(db_query($feature_sql, $organism_id, $landmark));
  382. if (!$count or $count->num_landmarks == 0) {
  383. print "ERROR: the landmark '$landmark' cannot be found for this organism. ".
  384. "Please add the landmark and then retry the import of this GFF3 ".
  385. "file.\n";
  386. return '';
  387. }
  388. if ($count->num_landmarks > 1) {
  389. print "ERROR: the landmark '$landmark' is not unique for this organism. ".
  390. "The features cannot be associated.\n";
  391. return '';
  392. }
  393. }
  394. // if the option is to remove or refresh then we want to remove
  395. // the feature from the database.
  396. if ($remove or $refresh) {
  397. print "Removing feature '$attr_uniquename'\n";
  398. $sql = "DELETE FROM {feature}
  399. WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
  400. $result = db_query($sql, $organism->organism_id, $attr_uniquename, $cvterm->cvterm_id);
  401. if (!$result) {
  402. print "ERROR: cannot delete feature $attr_uniquename\n";
  403. }
  404. $feature = 0;
  405. }
  406. // add or update the feature and all properties
  407. if ($update or $refresh or $add_only) {
  408. // add/update the feature
  409. print "line $line_num, " . intval(($num_read/$filesize)*100) . "%. ";
  410. $feature = tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm,
  411. $attr_uniquename, $attr_name, $residues, $attr_is_analysis,
  412. $attr_is_obsolete, $add_only, $score);
  413. // store all of the features for use later by parent and target
  414. // relationships
  415. $gff_features[$feature->uniquename]['type'] = $type;
  416. $gff_features[$feature->uniquename]['strand'] = $strand;
  417. if ($feature) {
  418. // add/update the featureloc if the landmark and the ID are not the same
  419. // if they are the same then this entry in the GFF is probably a landmark identifier
  420. if (strcmp($landmark, $attr_uniquename)!=0) {
  421. tripal_feature_load_gff3_featureloc($feature, $organism,
  422. $landmark, $fmin, $fmax, $strand, $phase, $attr_fmin_partial,
  423. $attr_fmax_partial, $attr_residue_info, $attr_locgroup);
  424. }
  425. // add any aliases for this feature
  426. if (array_key_exists('Alias', $tags)) {
  427. tripal_feature_load_gff3_alias($feature, $tags['Alias']);
  428. }
  429. // add any dbxrefs for this feature
  430. if (array_key_exists('Dbxref', $tags)) {
  431. tripal_feature_load_gff3_dbxref($feature, $tags['Dbxref']);
  432. }
  433. // add any ontology terms for this feature
  434. if (array_key_exists('Ontology_term', $tags)) {
  435. tripal_feature_load_gff3_ontology($feature, $tags['Ontology_term']);
  436. }
  437. // add parent relationships
  438. if (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
  439. tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $tags['Parent'], $gff_features, $organism_id, $fmin);
  440. }
  441. // add target relationships
  442. if (array_key_exists('Target', $tags)) {
  443. $target = preg_split('/\s+/', $tags['Target'][0]);
  444. $target_feature = $target[0];
  445. $start = $target[1];
  446. $end = $target[2];
  447. $target_strand = $target[3];
  448. $target_fmin = $start - 1;
  449. $target_fmax = $end;
  450. if ($end < $start) {
  451. $target_fmin = $end - 1;
  452. $target_fmax = $start;
  453. }
  454. #print "Target: $target_feature, $target_fmin-$target_fmax $target_dir\n";
  455. tripal_feature_load_gff3_featureloc($feature, $organism,
  456. $target_feature, $target_fmin, $target_fmax, $target_strand, $phase, $attr_fmin_partial,
  457. $attr_fmax_partial, $attr_residue_info, $attr_locgroup);
  458. }
  459. // add gap information. This goes in simply as a property
  460. if (array_key_exists('Gap', $tags)) {
  461. tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, 'Gap', $tags['Gap'][0]);
  462. }
  463. // add notes. This goes in simply as a property
  464. if (array_key_exists('Note', $tags)) {
  465. tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, 'Note', $tags['Note'][0]);
  466. }
  467. // add the Derives_from relationship (e.g. polycistronic genes).
  468. if (array_key_exists('Derives_from', $tags)) {
  469. tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $tags['Derives_from'][0], $gff_features, $organism);
  470. }
  471. // add in the GFF3_source dbxref so that GBrowse can find the feature using the source column
  472. $source_ref = array('GFF_source:' . $source);
  473. tripal_feature_load_gff3_dbxref($feature, $source_ref);
  474. // add any additional attributes
  475. if ($attr_others) {
  476. foreach ($attr_others as $property => $value) {
  477. tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $property, $value);
  478. }
  479. }
  480. }
  481. }
  482. }
  483. // now set the rank of any parent/child relationships. The order is based
  484. // on the fmin. The start rank is 1. This allows features with other
  485. // relationships to be '0' (the default), and doesn't interfer with the
  486. // ordering defined here.
  487. foreach ($gff_features as $parent => $details) {
  488. // only iterate through parents that have children
  489. if ($details['children']) {
  490. // get the parent
  491. $values = array(
  492. 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
  493. 'uniquename' => $parent,
  494. 'type_id' => array(
  495. 'cv_id' => array(
  496. 'name' => 'sequence'
  497. ),
  498. 'name' => $details['type'],
  499. ),
  500. );
  501. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_organismid_uniquename_typeid');
  502. $pfeature = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', array('*'), $values, $options);
  503. // sort the children by order of their fmin positions (values of assoc. array)
  504. // if the parent is on the reverse strand then sort in reverse
  505. if ($details['strand'] == -1) {
  506. arsort($details['children']);
  507. }
  508. else {
  509. asort($details['children']);
  510. }
  511. // now iterate through the children and set their rank
  512. $rank = 1;
  513. print "Updating child ranks for $parent (" . $details['type'] . ")\n";
  514. foreach ($details['children'] as $kfeature_id => $kfmin) {
  515. $match = array(
  516. 'object_id' => $pfeature[0]->feature_id,
  517. 'subject_id' => $kfeature_id,
  518. 'type_id' => array(
  519. 'cv_id' => array(
  520. 'name' => 'relationship'
  521. ),
  522. 'name' => 'part_of',
  523. ),
  524. );
  525. $values = array(
  526. 'rank' => $rank,
  527. );
  528. tripal_core_chado_update('feature_relationship', $match, $values);
  529. $rank++;
  530. }
  531. }
  532. }
  533. tripal_db_set_active($previous_db);
  534. return '';
  535. }
  536. /**
  537. *
  538. *
  539. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  540. */
  541. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $subject, $gff_features, $organism) {
  542. // first get the subject feature
  543. $match = array(
  544. 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
  545. 'uniquename' => $subject,
  546. 'type_id' => array(
  547. 'name' => $gff_features[$subject]['type'],
  548. 'cv_id' => array(
  549. 'name' => 'sequence'
  550. ),
  551. ),
  552. );
  553. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_organismid_uniquename_typeid');
  554. $sfeature = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', array('*'), $match, $options);
  555. if (count($sfeature)==0) {
  556. print "ERROR: could not add 'Derives_from' relationship for $feature->uniquename and $subject. Subject feature, '$subject', cannot be found\n";
  557. return;
  558. }
  559. // now check to see if the relationship already exists
  560. $values = array(
  561. 'object_id' => $sfeature[0]->feature_id,
  562. 'subject_id' => $feature->feature_id,
  563. 'type_id' => array(
  564. 'cv_id' => array(
  565. 'name' => 'relationship'
  566. ),
  567. 'name' => 'derives_from',
  568. ),
  569. 'rank' => 0
  570. );
  571. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_featurerelationship_objectid_subjectid_typeid_rank');
  572. $rel = tripal_core_chado_select('feature_relationship', array('*'), $values, $options);
  573. if (count($rel) > 0) {
  574. print " Relationship already exists: $feature->uniquename derives_from $subject\n";
  575. return;
  576. }
  577. // finally insert the relationship if it doesn't exist
  578. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_featurerelationship_objectid_subjectid_typeid_rank');
  579. $ret = tripal_core_chado_insert('feature_relationship', $values, $options);
  580. if (!$ret) {
  581. print "ERROR: could not add 'Derives_from' relationship for $feature->uniquename and $subject\n";
  582. }
  583. else {
  584. print " Added relationship: $feature->uniquename derives_from $subject\n";
  585. }
  586. }
  587. /**
  588. *
  589. *
  590. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  591. */
  592. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $parents, &$gff_features, $organism_id, $fmin) {
  593. $uname = $feature->uniquename;
  594. $type = $cvterm->name;
  595. $rel_type = 'part_of';
  596. // create these SQL statements that will be used repeatedly below.
  597. $cvtermsql = "SELECT CVT.cvterm_id
  598. FROM {cvterm} CVT
  599. INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
  600. LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
  601. WHERE = '%s' and ( = '%s' or CVTS.synonym = '%s')";
  602. $feature_sql = "SELECT * FROM {feature}
  603. WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
  604. // iterate through the parents in the list
  605. foreach ($parents as $parent) {
  606. $parent_type = $gff_features[$parent]['type'];
  607. // try to find the parent
  608. $parentcvterm = db_fetch_object(db_query($cvtermsql, 'sequence', $parent_type, $parent_type));
  609. $relcvterm = db_fetch_object(db_query($cvtermsql, 'relationship', $rel_type, $rel_type));
  610. $parent_feature = db_fetch_object(db_query($feature_sql, $organism_id, $parent, $parentcvterm->cvterm_id));
  611. // we want to add this feature to the child list for the parent
  612. // when the loader finishes, it will go back through the parent
  613. // features and rank the children by position
  614. $gff_features[$parent]['children'][$feature->feature_id] = $fmin;
  615. // if the parent exists then add the relationship otherwise print error and skip
  616. if ($parent_feature) {
  617. // check to see if the relationship already exists
  618. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {feature_relationship} WHERE subject_id = %d and object_id = %d and type_id = %d";
  619. $rel = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $feature->feature_id, $parent_feature->feature_id, $relcvterm->cvterm_id));
  620. if ($rel) {
  621. print " Relationship already exists, skipping '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type)\n";
  622. }
  623. else {
  624. // the relationship doesn't already exist, so add it.
  625. $sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_relationship} (subject_id,object_id,type_id)
  626. VALUES (%d,%d,%d)";
  627. $result = db_query($sql, $feature->feature_id, $parent_feature->feature_id, $relcvterm->cvterm_id);
  628. if (!$result) {
  629. print "WARNING: failed to insert feature relationship '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type)\n";
  630. }
  631. else {
  632. print " Inserted relationship relationship: '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type)\n";
  633. }
  634. }
  635. }
  636. else {
  637. print "WARNING: cannot establish relationship '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type): Cannot find the parent\n";
  638. }
  639. }
  640. }
  641. /**
  642. *
  643. *
  644. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  645. */
  646. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_dbxref($feature, $dbxrefs) {
  647. // iterate through each of the dbxrefs
  648. foreach ($dbxrefs as $dbxref) {
  649. // get the database name from the reference. If it doesn't exist then create one.
  650. $ref = explode(":", $dbxref);
  651. $dbname = $ref[0];
  652. $accession = $ref[1];
  653. // first look for the database name if it doesn't exist then create one.
  654. // first check for the fully qualified URI (e.g. DB:<dbname>. If that
  655. // can't be found then look for the name as is. If it still can't be found
  656. // the create the database
  657. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_db_name');
  658. $db = tripal_core_chado_select('db', array('db_id'), array('name' => "DB:$dbname"), $options);
  659. if (count($db) == 0) {
  660. $db = tripal_core_chado_select('db', array('db_id'), array('name' => "$dbname"), $options);
  661. }
  662. if (count($db) == 0) {
  663. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_db_name');
  664. $ret = tripal_core_chado_insert('db', array('name' => $dbname,
  665. 'description' => 'Added automatically by the GFF loader'), $options);
  666. if ($ret) {
  667. print " Added new database: $dbname\n";
  668. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_db_name');
  669. $db = tripal_core_chado_select('db', array('db_id'), array('name' => "$dbname"), $options);
  670. }
  671. else {
  672. print "ERROR: cannot find or add the database $dbname\n";
  673. exit;
  674. return 0;
  675. }
  676. }
  677. $db = $db[0];
  678. // now check to see if the accession exists
  679. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_dbxref_accession_dbid');
  680. $dbxref = tripal_core_chado_select('dbxref', array('dbxref_id'), array(
  681. 'accession' => $accession, 'db_id' => $db->db_id), $options);
  682. // if the accession doesn't exist then we want to add it
  683. if (sizeof($dbxref) == 0) {
  684. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_dbxref_dbid_accession_version');
  685. $ret = tripal_core_chado_insert('dbxref', array('db_id' => $db->db_id,
  686. 'accession' => $accession, 'version' => ''), $options);
  687. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_dbxref_accession_dbid');
  688. $dbxref = tripal_core_chado_select('dbxref', array('dbxref_id'), array(
  689. 'accession' => $accession, 'db_id' => $db->db_id), $options);
  690. }
  691. $dbxref = $dbxref[0];
  692. // check to see if this feature dbxref already exists
  693. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_featuredbxref_dbxrefid_featureid');
  694. $fdbx = tripal_core_chado_select('feature_dbxref', array('feature_dbxref_id'),
  695. array('dbxref_id' => $dbxref->dbxref_id, 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id), $options);
  696. // now associate this feature with the database reference if it doesn't
  697. // already exist
  698. if (sizeof($fdbx)==0) {
  699. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_featuredbxref_dbxrefid_featureid');
  700. $ret = tripal_core_chado_insert('feature_dbxref', array(
  701. 'dbxref_id' => $dbxref->dbxref_id,
  702. 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id), $options);
  703. if ($ret) {
  704. print " Adding Dbxref $dbname:$accession\n";
  705. }
  706. else {
  707. print "ERROR: failed to insert Dbxref: $dbname:$accession\n";
  708. return 0;
  709. }
  710. }
  711. else {
  712. print " Dbxref already associated, skipping $dbname:$accession\n";
  713. }
  714. }
  715. return 1;
  716. }
  717. /**
  718. *
  719. *
  720. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  721. */
  722. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_ontology($feature, $dbxrefs) {
  723. // iterate through each of the dbxrefs
  724. foreach ($dbxrefs as $dbxref) {
  725. // get the database name from the reference. If it doesn't exist then create one.
  726. $ref = explode(":", $dbxref);
  727. $dbname = $ref[0];
  728. $accession = $ref[1];
  729. // first look for the database name
  730. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_db_name');
  731. $db = tripal_core_chado_select('db', array('db_id'), array('name' => "DB:$dbname"), $options);
  732. if (sizeof($db) == 0) {
  733. $db = tripal_core_chado_select('db', array('db_id'), array('name' => "$dbname"), $options);
  734. }
  735. if (sizeof($db) == 0) {
  736. print "ERROR: Database, $dbname is missing for reference: $dbname:$accession\n";
  737. return 0;
  738. }
  739. $db = $db[0];
  740. // now check to see if the accession exists
  741. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_dbxref_accession_dbid');
  742. $dbxref = tripal_core_chado_select('dbxref', array('dbxref_id'), array(
  743. 'accession' => $accession, 'db_id' => $db->db_id), $options);
  744. if (sizeof($dbxref) == 0) {
  745. print "ERROR: Accession, $accession is missing for reference: $dbname:$accession\n";
  746. return 0;
  747. }
  748. $dbxref = $dbxref[0];
  749. // now check to see if the cvterm exists
  750. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_cvterm_dbxrefid');
  751. $cvterm = tripal_core_chado_select('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), array(
  752. 'dbxref_id' => $dbxref->dbxref_id), $options);
  753. // if it doesn't exist in the cvterm table, look for an alternate id
  754. if (sizeof($cvterm) == 0) {
  755. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_cvtermdbxref_dbxrefid');
  756. $cvterm = tripal_core_chado_select('cvterm_dbxref', array('cvterm_id'), array(
  757. 'dbxref_id' => $dbxref->dbxref_id), $options);
  758. }
  759. if (sizeof($cvterm) == 0) {
  760. print "ERROR: CVTerm is missing for reference: $dbname:$accession\n";
  761. return 0;
  762. }
  763. $cvterm = $cvterm[0];
  764. // check to see if this feature cvterm already exists
  765. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_featurecvterm_cvtermid_featureid');
  766. $fcvt = tripal_core_chado_select('feature_cvterm', array('feature_cvterm_id'),
  767. array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id, 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id),
  768. $options);
  769. // now associate this feature with the cvterm if it doesn't already exist
  770. if (sizeof($fcvt)==0) {
  771. $values = array(
  772. 'cvterm_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id,
  773. 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
  774. 'pub_id' => array(
  775. 'uniquename' => 'null',
  776. ),
  777. );
  778. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_featurecvterm_cvtermid_featureid_pubid');
  779. $ret = tripal_core_chado_insert('feature_cvterm', $values, $options);
  780. if ($ret) {
  781. print " Adding ontology term $dbname:$accession\n";
  782. }
  783. else {
  784. print "ERROR: failed to insert ontology term: $dbname:$accession\n";
  785. return 0;
  786. }
  787. }
  788. else {
  789. print " Ontology term already associated, skipping $dbname:$accession\n";
  790. }
  791. }
  792. return 1;
  793. }
  794. /**
  795. *
  796. *
  797. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  798. */
  799. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_alias($feature, $aliases) {
  800. // make sure we have a 'synonym_type' vocabulary
  801. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {cv} WHERE name='synonym_type'";
  802. $syncv = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql));
  803. if (!$syncv) {
  804. $sql = "INSERT INTO {cv} (name,definition) VALUES ('synonym_type','')";
  805. if (!db_query($sql)) {
  806. print("ERROR: Failed to add the synonyms type vocabulary");
  807. return 0;
  808. }
  809. $syncv = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql));
  810. }
  811. // get the 'exact' cvterm, which is the type of synonym we're adding
  812. $cvtsql = "
  813. SELECT * FROM {cvterm} CVT
  814. INNER JOIN {cv} CV ON CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
  815. WHERE = '%s' and = '%s'
  816. ";
  817. $syntype = db_fetch_object(db_query($cvtsql, 'exact', 'synonym_type'));
  818. if (!$syntype) {
  819. $term = array(
  820. 'name' => array('exact'),
  821. 'id' => array("internal:exact"),
  822. 'definition' => array(''),
  823. 'is_obsolete' => array(0),
  824. );
  825. $syntype = tripal_cv_add_cvterm($term, $syncv->name, 0, 1);
  826. if (!$syntype) {
  827. print("Cannot add synonym type: internal:$type");
  828. return 0;
  829. }
  830. }
  831. // iterate through all of the aliases and add each one
  832. foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
  833. print " Adding Alias $alias\n";
  834. // check to see if the alias already exists in the synonym table
  835. // if not, then add it
  836. $synsql = "SELECT * FROM {synonym}
  837. WHERE name = '%s' and type_id = %d";
  838. $synonym = db_fetch_object(db_query($synsql, $alias, $syntype->cvterm_id));
  839. if (!$synonym) {
  840. $sql = "INSERT INTO {synonym}
  841. (name,type_id,synonym_sgml)
  842. VALUES ('%s',%d,'%s')";
  843. $result = db_query($sql, $alias, $syntype->cvterm_id, '');
  844. if (!$result) {
  845. print "ERROR: cannot add alias $alias to synonym table\n";
  846. }
  847. }
  848. $synonym = db_fetch_object(db_query($synsql, $alias, $syntype->cvterm_id));
  849. // check to see if we have a NULL publication in the pub table. If not,
  850. // then add one.
  851. // @coder-ignore: non-drupal schema thus table prefixing does not apply
  852. $pubsql = "SELECT * FROM {pub} WHERE uniquename = 'null'";
  853. $pub = db_fetch_object(db_query($pubsql));
  854. if (!$pub) {
  855. $sql = "INSERT INTO pub (uniquename,type_id) VALUES ('%s',
  856. (SELECT cvterm_id
  857. FROM cvterm CVT
  858. INNER JOIN dbxref DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id
  859. INNER JOIN db DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id
  860. WHERE = 'null' and = 'null')";
  861. $result = db_query($sql, 'null');
  862. if (!$result) {
  863. print "ERROR: cannot add null publication needed for setup of alias\n";
  864. return 0;
  865. }
  866. }
  867. $pub = db_fetch_object(db_query($pubsql));
  868. // check to see if the synonym exists in the feature_synonym table
  869. // if not, then add it.
  870. $synsql = "SELECT * FROM {feature_synonym}
  871. WHERE synonym_id = %d and feature_id = %d and pub_id = %d";
  872. $fsyn = db_fetch_object(db_query($synsql, $synonym->synonym_id, $feature->feature_id, $pub->pub_id));
  873. if (!$fsyn) {
  874. $sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_synonym}
  875. (synonym_id,feature_id,pub_id)
  876. VALUES (%d,%d,%d)";
  877. $result = db_query($sql, $synonym->synonym_id, $feature->feature_id, $pub->pub_id);
  878. if (!$result) {
  879. print "ERROR: cannot add alias $alias to feature synonym table\n";
  880. return 0;
  881. }
  882. }
  883. else {
  884. print " Synonym $alias already exists. Skipping\n";
  885. }
  886. }
  887. return 1;
  888. }
  889. /**
  890. *
  891. *
  892. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  893. */
  894. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $uniquename, $name,
  895. $residues, $is_analysis='f', $is_obsolete='f', $add_only, $score) {
  896. // check to see if the feature already exists
  897. $feature_sql = "SELECT * FROM {feature}
  898. WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
  899. $feature = db_fetch_object(db_query($feature_sql, $organism->organism_id, $uniquename, $cvterm->cvterm_id));
  900. if (strcmp($is_obsolete, 'f')==0) {
  901. $is_obsolete = 'false';
  902. }
  903. if (strcmp($is_analysis, 'f')==0) {
  904. $is_analysis = 'false';
  905. }
  906. // insert the feature if it does not exist otherwise perform an update
  907. if (!$feature) {
  908. print "Adding feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name)\n";
  909. $isql = "INSERT INTO {feature} (organism_id, name, uniquename, residues, seqlen,
  910. md5checksum, type_id,is_analysis,is_obsolete)
  911. VALUES(%d,'%s','%s','%s',%d, '%s', %d, %s, %s)";
  912. $result = db_query($isql, $organism->organism_id, $name, $uniquename, $residues, drupal_strlen($residues),
  913. md5($residues), $cvterm->cvterm_id, $is_analysis, $is_obsolete);
  914. if (!$result) {
  915. print "ERROR: failed to insert feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name)\n";
  916. return 0;
  917. }
  918. }
  919. elseif (!$add_only) {
  920. print "Updating feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name)\n";
  921. $usql = "UPDATE {feature}
  922. SET name = '%s', residues = '%s', seqlen = '%s', md5checksum = '%s',
  923. is_analysis = %s, is_obsolete = %s
  924. WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
  925. $result = db_query($usql, $name, $residues, drupal_strlen($residues), md5($residues), $is_analysis, $is_obsolete,
  926. $organism_id, $uniquename, $cvterm->cvterm_id);
  927. if (!$result) {
  928. print "ERROR: failed to update feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name)\n";
  929. return 0;
  930. }
  931. }
  932. else {
  933. // the feature exists and we don't want to update it so return
  934. // a value of 0. This will stop all downstream property additions
  935. print "Skipping existing feature: '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name).\n";
  936. return 0;
  937. }
  938. // get the newly added feature
  939. $feature = db_fetch_object(db_query($feature_sql, $organism->organism_id, $uniquename, $cvterm->cvterm_id));
  940. // add the analysisfeature entry to the analysisfeature table if it doesn't already exist
  941. $af_values = array(
  942. 'analysis_id' => $analysis_id,
  943. 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id
  944. );
  945. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_analysisfeature_analysisid_featureid');
  946. $afeature = tripal_core_chado_select('analysisfeature', array('analysisfeature_id'),
  947. $af_values, $options);
  948. if (count($afeature)==0) {
  949. // if a score is avaialble then set that to be the significance field
  950. if (strcmp($score, '.')!=0) {
  951. $af_values['significance'] = $score;
  952. }
  953. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_analysisfeature_analysisid_featureid_significance');
  954. if (!tripal_core_chado_insert('analysisfeature', $af_values, $options)) {
  955. print "ERROR: could not add analysisfeature record: $analysis_id, $feature->feature_id\n";
  956. }
  957. else {
  958. print " Added analysisfeature record\n";
  959. }
  960. }
  961. else {
  962. // if a score is available then set that to be the significance field
  963. $new_vals = array();
  964. if (strcmp($score, '.')!=0) {
  965. $new_vals['significance'] = $score;
  966. }
  967. else {
  968. $new_vals['significance'] = '__NULL__';
  969. }
  970. if (!$add_only) {
  971. $ret = tripal_core_chado_update('analysisfeature', $af_values, $new_vals);
  972. if (!$ret) {
  973. print "ERROR: could not update analysisfeature record: $analysis_id, $feature->feature_id\n";
  974. }
  975. else {
  976. print " Updated analysisfeature record\n";
  977. }
  978. }
  979. }
  980. return $feature;
  981. }
  982. /**
  983. *
  984. *
  985. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  986. */
  987. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_featureloc($feature, $organism, $landmark, $fmin,
  988. $fmax, $strand, $phase, $is_fmin_partial, $is_fmax_partial, $residue_info, $locgroup) {
  989. $select = array(
  990. 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
  991. 'uniquename' => $landmark,
  992. );
  993. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_organism_id_uniquename');
  994. $r = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', array('*'), $select, $options);
  995. if (count($r)==0) {
  996. print "ERROR: cannot find landmark feature $landmark. Cannot add the feature location record\n";
  997. return 0;
  998. }
  999. $srcfeature = $r[0];
  1000. // TODO: create an attribute that recognizes the residue_info,locgroup,
  1001. // is_fmin_partial and is_fmax_partial, right now these are
  1002. // hardcoded to be false and 0 below.
  1003. // check to see if this featureloc already exists, but also keep track of the
  1004. // last rank value
  1005. $rank = 0;
  1006. $exists = 0;
  1007. $select = array('feature_id' => $feature->feature_id);
  1008. $options = array(
  1009. 'statement_name' => 'sel_featureloc_feature_id',
  1010. 'order_by' => array(
  1011. 'rank' => 'ASC'
  1012. ),
  1013. );
  1014. $locrecs = tripal_core_chado_select('featureloc', array('*'), $select, $options);
  1015. foreach ($locrecs as $featureloc) {
  1016. $select = array('feature_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id);
  1017. $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_feature_id');
  1018. $locsfeature = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', array('*'), $select, $options);
  1019. // check to make sure we don't already have this featureloc record
  1020. // if we do we don't want to readd it
  1021. // print "Src Name:'" . $locsfeature[0]->name . "' == '$landmark'\n";
  1022. // print "Fmin: '$featureloc->fmin' == '$fmin'\n";
  1023. // print "Fmax: '$featureloc->fmax' == '$fmax'\n";
  1024. // print "Strand: '$featureloc->strand' == '$strand'\n";
  1025. // the source feature name and at least the fmin and fmax must be the same
  1026. // for an update of the featureloc, otherwise we'll insert a new record.
  1027. if (strcmp($locsfeature[0]->name, $landmark)==0 and
  1028. ($featureloc->fmin == $fmin or $featureloc->fmax == $fmax)) {
  1029. $match = array('featureloc_id' => $featureloc->featureloc_id);
  1030. $values = array();
  1031. $exists = 1;
  1032. if ($featureloc->fmin != $fmin) {
  1033. $values['fmin'] = $fmin;
  1034. }
  1035. if ($featureloc->fmax != $fmax) {
  1036. $values['fmax'] = $fmax;
  1037. }
  1038. if ($featureloc->strand != $strand) {
  1039. $values['strand'] = $strand;
  1040. }
  1041. if (count($values) > 0) {
  1042. tripal_core_chado_update('featureloc', $match, $values);
  1043. print " Updated featureloc\n";
  1044. }
  1045. else {
  1046. print " No change to featureloc\n";
  1047. }
  1048. }
  1049. $rank = $featureloc->rank + 1;
  1050. }
  1051. if (!$exists) {
  1052. // this feature location is new so add it
  1053. if (!$phase) {
  1054. $phase = 'NULL';
  1055. }
  1056. if (strcmp($is_fmin_partial, 'f')==0 or !$is_fmin_partial) {
  1057. $is_fmin_partial = 'false';
  1058. }
  1059. elseif (strcmp($is_fmin_partial, 't')==0 or $is_fmin_partial = 1) {
  1060. $is_fmin_partial = 'true';
  1061. }
  1062. if (strcmp($is_fmax_partial, 'f')==0 or !$is_fmax_partial) {
  1063. $is_fmax_partial = 'false';
  1064. }
  1065. elseif (strcmp($is_fmax_partial, 't')==0 or $is_fmax_partial = 1) {
  1066. $is_fmax_partial = 'true';
  1067. }
  1068. print " Adding featureloc $srcfeature->uniquename fmin: $fmin (is_partial: $is_fmin_partial), fmax: $fmax (is_partial: $is_fmin_partial), strand: $strand, phase: $phase, rank: $rank\n";
  1069. $values = array(
  1070. 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
  1071. 'srcfeature_id' => $srcfeature->feature_id,
  1072. 'fmin' => $fmin,
  1073. 'is_fmin_partial' => $is_fmin_partial,
  1074. 'fmax' => $fmax,
  1075. 'is_fmax_partial' => $is_fmax_partial,
  1076. 'strand' => $strand,
  1077. 'phase' => $phase,
  1078. 'residue_info' => $residue_info,
  1079. 'locgroup' => $locgroup,
  1080. 'rank' => $rank
  1081. );
  1082. $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_featureloc_all');
  1083. $success = tripal_core_chado_insert('featureloc', $values, $options);
  1084. if (!$success) {
  1085. print "ERROR: failed to insert featureloc\n";
  1086. exit;
  1087. return 0;
  1088. }
  1089. }
  1090. return 1;
  1091. }
  1092. /**
  1093. *
  1094. *
  1095. * @ingroup gff3_loader
  1096. */
  1097. function tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $property, $value) {
  1098. // first make sure the cvterm exists. If the term already exists then
  1099. // the function should return it of not, then add it
  1100. $cvt_sql = "SELECT * FROM {cvterm} CVT
  1101. INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
  1102. WHERE = '%s' and = '%s'";
  1103. $cvterm = db_fetch_object(db_query($cvt_sql, 'feature_property', $property));
  1104. if (!$cvterm) {
  1105. $term = array(
  1106. 'id' => "null:$property",
  1107. 'name' => $property,
  1108. 'namespace' => 'feature_property',
  1109. 'is_obsolete' => 0,
  1110. );
  1111. print " Adding cvterm, $property\n";
  1112. $cvterm = (object) tripal_cv_add_cvterm($term, 'feature_property', 0, 0);
  1113. }
  1114. if (!$cvterm) {
  1115. print "ERROR: cannot add cvterm, $property\n";
  1116. exit;
  1117. }
  1118. // check to see if the property already exists for this feature
  1119. // if it does but the value is unique then increment the rank and add it.
  1120. // if the value is not unique then don't add it.
  1121. $add = 1;
  1122. $rank = 0;
  1123. $sql = "SELECT rank,value FROM {featureprop}
  1124. WHERE feature_id = %d and type_id = %d
  1125. ORDER BY rank ASC";
  1126. $result = db_query($sql, $feature->feature_id, $cvterm->cvterm_id);
  1127. while ($prop = db_fetch_object($result)) {
  1128. if (strcmp($prop->value, $value)==0) {
  1129. $add = NULL; // don't add it, it already exists
  1130. print " Property already exists, skipping\n";
  1131. }
  1132. $rank = $prop->rank + 1;
  1133. }
  1134. // add the property if we pass the check above
  1135. if ($add) {
  1136. print " Setting feature property. $property: $value\n";
  1137. $isql = "INSERT INTO {featureprop} (feature_id,type_id,value,rank)
  1138. VALUES (%d,%d,'%s',%d)";
  1139. db_query($isql, $feature->feature_id, $cvterm->cvterm_id, $value, $rank);
  1140. }
  1141. }