123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Contains functions related to administrative blocks for daemon monitoring.
- */
- /**
- * Implements hook_block_info().
- */
- function tripal_daemon_block_info() {
- $blocks = array();
- // Status Blocks.
- $blocks['trpdaemon_status'] = array(
- 'info' => t('Tripal Daemon Status'),
- 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
- );
- $blocks['trpdaemon_status_admin'] = array(
- 'info' => t('Tripal Daemon Status: ADMIN'),
- 'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
- 'status' => TRUE,
- 'region' => 'dashboard_sidebar',
- );
- // Display Log Block.
- $blocks['trpdaemon_log'] = array(
- 'info' => t('Tripal Daemon Log'),
- 'status' => TRUE,
- 'region' => 'dashboard_main',
- );
- return $blocks;
- }
- /**
- * Implements hook_block_view().
- */
- function tripal_daemon_block_view($delta='') {
- $block = array();
- switch($delta) {
- case 'trpdaemon_status_admin':
- $block['subject'] = t('Job Daemon Status');
- $block['content'] = theme_tripal_daemon_status_block_content(TRUE);
- break;
- case 'trpdaemon_status':
- $block['subject'] = t('Job Daemon Status');
- $block['content'] = theme_tripal_daemon_status_block_content();
- break;
- case 'trpdaemon_log':
- $block['subject'] = t('Job Daemon Log');
- $block['content'] = drupal_get_form('trpdaemon_display_log_form');
- break;
- }
- return $block;
- }
- /**
- * Provide markup for the Tripal Job Daemon Status block.
- *
- * @param $show_all
- * A boolean indicating whether to show administrative detail (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
- * @return
- * HTML to be rendered for the block.
- */
- function theme_tripal_daemon_status_block_content($show_all = FALSE) {
- $output = '';
- // Get information.
- $is_running = drushd_is_daemon_running('tripal_daemon');
- $status_file = drushd_get_daemon_status_file('tripal_daemon');
- $status = unserialize(file_get_contents($status_file));
- $PID = $status['PID'];
- $is_alive = `ps h --pid $PID | wc -l`;
- $is_alive = trim($is_alive);
- $status_class = ($is_running) ? 'active' : 'inactive';
- $status_class = ($is_running AND !$is_alive) ? 'dead' : $status_class;
- // Theme content.
- drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module','tripal_daemon') . '/theme/status_block.css');
- // Display the status.
- $output .= '<div class="daemon-status">';
- if ($is_running and $is_alive) {
- $output .= theme_image(array(
- 'path' => 'misc/message-24-ok.png',
- 'alt' => 'status-ok',
- ));
- if ($status['Running Job']) {
- $output .= 'Running Job(s)';
- }
- else {
- $output .= 'Waiting for Job';
- }
- }
- else {
- $output .= theme_image(array(
- 'path' => 'misc/message-24-error.png',
- 'alt' => 'status-error',
- ));
- if ($is_running AND !$is_alive) {
- $output .= 'Dead';
- }
- else {
- $output .= 'Stopped';
- }
- }
- $output .= '</div>';
- // If asked, show all the details.
- if ($show_all) {
- $output .= '<ul>';
- foreach ($status as $k => $v) {
- // If it's a boolean, then make it readable.
- if (is_bool($v)) {
- $v = ($v) ? 'True' : 'False';
- }
- // If these are current jobs then we want to link to details.
- if ($k == 'Current Jobs' AND !empty($v)) {
- $list = array();
- foreach ($v as $job_id) {
- $url = 'admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/view/' . $job_id;
- $list[$job_id] = l($job_id, $url);
- }
- $v = $list;
- }
- // If it's an array then make it a list.
- if (is_array($v)) {
- if (empty($v)) {
- $v = 'None';
- }
- else {
- $v = implode(', ', $v);
- }
- }
- $output .= '<li><strong>' . $k . '</strong>: ' . $v . '</li>';
- }
- $output .= '</ul>';
- }
- return '<div class="inner '.$status_class.'">' . $output . '</div>';
- }
- /**
- * Form to display a user selected number of lines from the Tripal Job Daemon log file.
- */
- function trpdaemon_display_log_form($form, $form_state) {
- $form['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module','tripal_daemon') . '/theme/tripal_daemon.log_block.css';
- $status_file = drushd_get_daemon_status_file('tripal_daemon');
- $status = unserialize(file_get_contents($status_file));
- $file = $status['Current Log File'];
- $form['num_lines'] = array(
- '#type' => 'radios',
- '#title' => 'Lines',
- '#description' => 'The number of lines to display from the end of the Tripal Job Daemon Log file.',
- '#options' => array(
- '10' => '10',
- '25' => '25',
- '50' => '50',
- '100' => '100',
- '200' => '200',
- '500' => '500',
- ),
- '#default_value' => '25',
- '#attributes' => array(
- 'onChange' => 'this.form.submit();',
- 'class' => array('container-inline'),
- ),
- );
- $num_lines = (isset($form_state['values'])) ? $form_state['values']['num_lines'] : $form['num_lines']['#default_value'];
- $text = `tail -n $num_lines $file`;
- $text = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $text);
- $form['log'] = array(
- '#type' => 'markup',
- '#markup' => $text,
- '#prefix' => '<pre id="daemon-log">',
- '#suffix' => '</pre>',
- );
- $form['submit'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => t('Apply'),
- '#attributes' => array(
- 'style' => array('display: none;'),
- ),
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Display Log Form: Submit.
- */
- function trpdaemon_display_log_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
- }