setup.rst 3.6 KB

  1. Module Setup
  2. ============
  3. .. note::
  4. Remember you must set the ``$DRUPAL_HOME`` environment variable if you want to cut-and-paste the commands below. See :doc:`../../install_tripal/drupal_home`
  5. For this example we will be load functional data for our gene. To do this we will use the Blast, KEGG, and InterPro extension modules. However, these extension modules are not part of the "core" Tripal package but are available as separate extensions. Anyone may create extensions for Tripal. These extensions are useful for genomic data and therefore are included in this tutorial.
  6. To download these modules:
  7. ::
  8. cd $DRUPAL_HOME
  9. drush pm-download tripal_analysis_blast
  10. drush pm-download tripal_analysis_kegg
  11. drush pm-download tripal_analysis_interpro
  12. Now, enable these extension modules:
  13. ::
  14. drush pm-enable tripal_analysis_blast
  15. drush pm-enable tripal_analysis_interpro
  16. drush pm-enable tripal_analysis_kegg
  17. For this example, we will use the following files which are available for downloading:
  18. - `Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.iprscan.xml <>`_
  19. - `Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.KEGG.heir.tar.gz <>`_
  20. - `Blastx_citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta.0_vs_uniprot_sprot.fasta.out <>`_
  21. - `Blastx_citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta.0_vs_nr.out <>`_
  22. Download these files to the ```$DRUPAL_HOME/sites/default/files``` directory. To do so quickly run these commands:
  23. ::
  24. cd $DRUPAL_HOME/sites/default/files
  25. wget
  26. wget
  27. wget
  28. wget
  29. Each of these modules provides new fields for both the **gene** and **mRNA** content types. To add these new field to those content types, navigate to **Structure > Tripal Content Types** and click the **manage fields** link in the row for the **mRNA** content type. Click the link titled **Check for new fields**. After a few moments the page will refresh and you will be notified that new fields have been added.
  30. .. image:: setup1.png
  31. Next, we need to position the new field. Using the skills you learned in the :doc:`../../content_types/configuring_page_display` Create three new **Tripal Panes** named:
  32. - Blast Results
  33. - Protein Domains
  34. - KEGG Pathways
  35. Be sure to:
  36. - Place the three new fields into each pane respectively
  37. - Move the Panes out of the **disabled** section.
  38. - Set the label for each field to **Hidden**.
  39. The following shows an example of this layout:
  40. .. image:: setup2.png
  41. The fields are now ready for display once data is added!
  42. .. note::
  43. If you want both the **Gene** and **mRNA** content type to have BLAST, InterPro and KEGG result fields you must repeat the steps above for both.
  44. .. note::
  45. Anytime you install a Tripal v3 extension module you should check for new fields, and then place those fields in the layout. Extension modules often will not do this for you because they do not assume you want these new fields.