@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
* The current state fo the form passed in as $form.
function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
+ $all_job_data = variable_get('job_data', '');
+ if (isset($_GET['jid']) && isset($all_job_data)) {
+ $jid = base64_decode($_GET['jid']);
+ $job_data = $all_job_data[$jid];
+ }
+ else {
+ $job_data = array();
+ $jid = 0;
+ }
+ $defaults = _get_default_values($job_data, 'blastn');
// General parameters
@@ -36,58 +46,40 @@ function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Max target sequences:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('10'),
- 1 => t('50'),
- 2 => t('100'),
- 3 => t('250'),
- 4 => t('500'),
- 5 => t('1000'),
- 6 => t('5000'),
- 7 => t('10000'),
- 8 => t('20000'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#options' => _get_max_target('blastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['max_target_seqs'],
'#description' => t('Select the maximum number of aligned sequences to display'),
+/*eksc- remove until we learn how this is implemented by NCBI
$form['ALG']['GParam']['shortQueries'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Automatically adjust parameters for short input sequences'),
- '#default_value' => TRUE,
+ '#default_value' => $short_queries,
$form['ALG']['GParam']['eVal'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('e-Value (Expected Threshold)'),
- '#default_value' => 10,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['evalue'],
'#size' => 12,
'#maxlength' => 20,
- '#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model. This number should be give in a decimal format. <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/blastcgihelp.shtml#expect" target="_blank">More Information</a> | <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO0wJgZRZJs" target="_blank">Expect value vedio tutorial</a>'),
+ '#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model. This number should be give in a decimal format. <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/blastcgihelp.shtml#expect" target="_blank">More Information</a> | <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO0wJgZRZJs" target="_blank">Expect value video tutorial</a>'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Word size:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('16'),
- 1 => t('20'),
- 2 => t('24'),
- 3 => t('28'),
- 4 => t('32'),
- 5 => t('48'),
- 6 => t('64'),
- 7 => t('128'),
- 8 => t('256'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 3,
+ '#options' => _get_word_size('blastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['word_size'],
'#description' => t('The length of the seed that initiates an alignment'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['qRange'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Max matches in a query range'),
- '#default_value' => 0,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['qRange'],
'#size' => 12,
'#maxlength' => 20,
'#description' => t('Limit the number of matches to a query range. This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of a query may prevent BLAST from presenting weaker matches to another part of the query.'),
@@ -105,34 +97,18 @@ function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['ALG']['SParam']['M&MScores'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Match/Mismatch Scores:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('1,-2'),
- 1 => t('1,-3'),
- 2 => t('1,-4'),
- 3 => t('2,-3'),
- 4 => t('4,-5'),
- 5 => t('1,-1'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 0,
+ '#options' => _get_match_mismatch('blastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['matchmiss'],
'#description' => t('Reward and penalty for matching and mismatching bases.'),
$form['ALG']['SParam']['gapCost'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Gap Costs:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('Existence: 5 Extension: 2'),
- 1 => t('Existence: 2 Extension: 2'),
- 2 => t('Existence: 1 Extension: 2'),
- 3 => t('Existence: 0 Extension: 2'),
- 4 => t('Existence: 3 Extension: 1'),
- 5 => t('Existence: 2 Extension: 1'),
- 6 => t('Existence: 1 Extension: 1'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 0,
+ '#options' => _get_gap('blastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['gap'],
'#description' => t('Cost to create and extend a gap in an alignment. Linear costs are available only with megablast and are determined by the match/mismatch scores.'),
@@ -148,7 +124,6 @@ function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form_validate($form, $form_state) { }
* @see blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form().
function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
$eVal = $form_state['values']['eVal'];
$trgtKey = $form_state['values']['maxTarget'];
@@ -158,77 +133,25 @@ function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
$wordSize = $form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize']['#options'][$wsKey];
// Expand Gap Cost key into open and extend penalties
- $gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
- switch ($gapKey) {
- case 0:
- $gapOpen = 5;
- $gapExtend = 2;
- break;
- case 1:
- $gapOpen = 2;
- $gapExtend = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- $gapOpen = 1;
- $gapExtend = 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- $gapOpen = 0;
- $gapExtend = 2;
- break;
- case 4:
- $gapOpen = 3;
- $gapExtend = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- $gapOpen = 2;
- $gapExtend = 1;
- break;
- case 6:
- $gapOpen = 1;
- $gapExtend = 1;
- break;
- }
+ $gap = _set_gap($form_state['values']['gapCost']);
- // Epand Match/Mismatch option into penalty/reward values
- // @todo Amir: Is the switch supposed to be for $scoreKey?
- $scoreKey = $form_state['values']['M&MScores'];
- switch ($gapKey) {
- case 0:
- $penalty = -2;
- $reward = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- $penalty = -3;
- $reward = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- $penalty = -4;
- $reward = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- $penalty = -3;
- $reward = 2;
- break;
- case 4:
- $penalty = -5;
- $reward = 4;
- break;
- case 5:
- $penalty = -1;
- $reward = 1;
- break;
- }
+ // Expand Match/Mismatch option into penalty/reward values
+ $m_m = _set_match_mismatch($form_state['values']['M&MScores']);
+ // Limit number of query hits
+ $qRange = $form_state['values']['qRange'];
return array(
- 'evalue' => $eVal,
- 'word_size' => $wordSize,
- 'gapopen' => $gapOpen,
- 'gapextend' => $gapExtend,
- 'penalty' => $penalty,
- 'reward' => $reward
+ 'max_target_seqs' => $numAlign,
+ 'evalue' => $eVal,
+ 'word_size' => $wordSize,
+ 'gapopen' => $gap['gapOpen'],
+ 'gapextend' => $gap['gapExtend'],
+ 'penalty' => $m_m['penalty'],
+ 'reward' => $m_m['reward'],
+ 'culling_limit' => $qRange,
* @section
@@ -248,8 +171,18 @@ function blast_ui_blastn_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
* The current state fo the form passed in as $form.
function blast_ui_blastx_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
+ $all_job_data = variable_get('job_data', '');
+ if (isset($_GET['jid']) && isset($all_job_data)) {
+ $jid = base64_decode($_GET['jid']);
+ $job_data = $all_job_data[$jid];
+ }
+ else {
+ $job_data = array();
+ $jid = 0;
+ }
+ $defaults = _get_default_values($job_data, 'blastx');
- $form['ALG']['GParam'] = array(
+ $form['ALG']['GParam'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('General parameters'),
'#collapsible' => FALSE,
@@ -258,30 +191,82 @@ function blast_ui_blastx_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Max target sequences:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('10'),
- 1 => t('50'),
- 2 => t('100'),
- 3 => t('250'),
- 4 => t('500'),
- 5 => t('1000'),
- 6 => t('5000'),
- 7 => t('10000'),
- 8 => t('20000'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#options' => _get_max_target('blastx'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['max_target_seqs'],
'#description' => t('Select the maximum number of aligned sequences to display'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['eVal'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('e-Value (Expected Threshold)'),
- '#default_value' => 10,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['evalue'],
'#size' => 12,
'#maxlength' => 20,
'#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model. This number should be give in a decimal format. <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/blastcgihelp.shtml#expect" target="_blank">More Information</a> | <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO0wJgZRZJs" target="_blank">Expect value vedio tutorial</a>'),
+/*eksc- need to learn how this is implemented for blastx
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['shortQueries'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Automatically adjust parameters for short input sequences'),
+ '#default_value' => TRUE,
+ );
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Word size:'),
+ '#options' => _get_word_size('blastx'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['word_size'],
+ '#description' => t('The length of the seed that initiates an alignment'),
+ );
+ // Scoring parameters
+ //.........................
+ $form['ALG']['SParam'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Scoring parameters'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ );
+ $matrix_options = _get_matrix_options();
+ $form['ALG']['SParam']['Matrix'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => 'Matrix',
+ '#options' => $matrix_options,
+ '#default_value' => $default['matrix'],
+ '#description' => t('Assigns a score for aligning pairs of residues, and determines overall alignment score..'),
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_dependent_dropdown_callback',
+ 'wrapper' => 'dropdown-second-replace',
+ ),
+ );
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['qRange'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Max matches in a query range'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['qRange'],
+ '#size' => 12,
+ '#maxlength' => 20,
+ '#description' => t('Limit the number of matches to a query range. This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of a query may prevent BLAST from presenting weaker matches to another part of the query.'),
+ );
+/*eksc- NOT match/mismatch but instead computational adjustments;
+ need to learn how there are implemented for blastx
+ $form['ALG']['SParam']['M&MScores'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Match/Mismatch Scores:'),
+ '#options' => array(
+ 0 => t('No adjustment'),
+ 1 => t('Composition-based statistics'),
+ 2 => t('Conditional compositional score matrix adjustment'),
+ 3 => t('Universal composition score matrix adjustment '),
+ ),
+ '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#description' => t('Matrix adjustment method to compensate for amino acid composition of sequences'),
+ );
@@ -298,14 +283,8 @@ function blast_ui_blastx_advanced_options_form_validate($form, $form_state) { }
function blast_ui_blastx_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $eVal = $form_state['values']['eVal'];
- $trgtKey = $form_state['values']['maxTarget'];
- $numAlign = $form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget']['#options'][$trgtKey];
- return array(
- 'evalue' => $eVal,
- );
+ // Same as blastp form submit
+ return blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state);
@@ -327,6 +306,16 @@ function blast_ui_blastx_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
* The current state fo the form passed in as $form.
function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
+ $all_job_data = variable_get('job_data', '');
+ if (isset($_GET['jid']) && isset($all_job_data)) {
+ $jid = base64_decode($_GET['jid']);
+ $job_data = $all_job_data[$jid];
+ }
+ else {
+ $job_data = array();
+ $jid = 0;
+ }
+ $defaults = _get_default_values($job_data, 'blastp');
//General parameters
@@ -339,54 +328,43 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Max target sequences:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('10'),
- 1 => t('50'),
- 2 => t('100'),
- 3 => t('250'),
- 4 => t('500'),
- 5 => t('1000'),
- 6 => t('5000'),
- 7 => t('10000'),
- 8 => t('20000'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#options' => _get_max_target('blastp'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['max_target_seqs'],
'#description' => t('Select the maximum number of aligned sequences to display'),
+/*eksc- remove until we learn how this is implemented
$form['ALG']['GParam']['shortQueries'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Automatically adjust parameters for short input sequences'),
'#default_value' => TRUE,
$form['ALG']['GParam']['eVal'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('e-value(Expect threshold)'),
- '#default_value' => 10,
- '#size' => 12,
- '#maxlength' => 20,
- '#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model.'),
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('e-value(Expect threshold)'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['evalue'],
+ '#size' => 12,
+ '#maxlength' => 20,
+ '#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model.'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Word size:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('2'),
- 1 => t('3'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 1,
+ '#options' => _get_word_size('blastp'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['word_size'],
'#description' => t('The length of the seed that initiates an alignment'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['qRange'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Max matches in a query range'),
- '#default_value' => 0,
- '#size' => 12,
- '#maxlength' => 20,
- '#description' => t('Limit the number of matches to a query range. This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of a query may prevent BLAST from presenting weaker matches to another part of the query.'),
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Max matches in a query range'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['qRange'],
+ '#size' => 12,
+ '#maxlength' => 20,
+ '#description' => t('Limit the number of matches to a query range. This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of a query may prevent BLAST from presenting weaker matches to another part of the query.'),
// Scoring parameters
@@ -397,31 +375,33 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
'#collapsible' => FALSE,
- $options_first = _ajax_example_get_first_dropdown_options();
- $selected = isset($form_state['values']['MATRIX'] ) ? $form_state['values']['MATRIX'] : key($options_first);
- $form['ALG']['SParam']['MATRIX'] = array(
+ $matrix_options = _get_matrix_options();
+ $form['ALG']['SParam']['Matrix'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => 'Matrix',
- '#options' => $options_first,
- '#default_value' => $selected,
+ '#options' => $matrix_options,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['matrix'],
'#description' => t('Assigns a score for aligning pairs of residues, and determines overall alignment score..'),
'#ajax' => array(
- 'callback' => 'ajax_example_dependent_dropdown_callback',
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_dependent_dropdown_callback',
'wrapper' => 'dropdown-second-replace',
+/*eksc- probably not used for blastp
$form['ALG']['SParam']['gapCost'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Gap Costs:'),
'#prefix' => '<div id="dropdown-second-replace">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
- '#options' => _ajax_example_get_second_dropdown_options($selected),
+ '#options' => _get_gap_for_matrix($selected),
'#default_value' => 2,
'#description' => t('Cost to create and extend a gap in an alignment.'),
+/*eksc- NOT match/mismatch but instead computational adjustments;
+ need to learn how there are implemented for blastp
$form['ALG']['SParam']['M&MScores'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Match/Mismatch Scores:'),
@@ -434,11 +414,11 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
'#default_value' => 2,
'#description' => t('Matrix adjustment method to compensate for amino acid composition of sequences'),
- * Validate the advanced options provided by the BLASTn form above.
+ * Validate the advanced options provided by the BLASTp form above.
* @see blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form().
@@ -459,11 +439,12 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
$wsKey = $form_state['values']['wordSize'];
$wordSize = $form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize']['#options'][$wsKey];
+ $qRange = $form_state['values']['qRange'];
// Expand Gap Cost key into open and extend penalties
- $gapKey = $form_state['values']['MATRIX'];
- switch ($gapKey) {
- case 0:
- $matrix ="PAM30";
+ $matrix = $form_state['values']['Matrix'];
+ switch ($matrix) {
+ case 'PAM30':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -492,8 +473,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 1:
- $matrix ="PAM70";
+ case 'PAM70':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -522,8 +502,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 2:
- $matrix ="PAM250";
+ case 'PAM250':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -588,8 +567,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 3:
- $matrix ="BLOSUM80";
+ case 'BLOSUM80':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -618,8 +596,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 4:
- $matrix ="BLOSUM62";
+ case 'BLOSUM62':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -668,8 +645,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 5:
- $matrix ="BLOSUM45";
+ case 'BLOSUM45':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -722,8 +698,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 6:
- $matrix ="BLOSUM50";
+ case 'BLOSUM50':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -788,8 +763,7 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- case 7:
- $matrix ="BLOSUM90";
+ case 'BLOSUM90':
$gapKey = $form_state['values']['gapCost'];
switch ($gapKey) {
case 0:
@@ -823,42 +797,47 @@ function blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
+//eksc- need to implement query range limit
+// q_range
return array(
- 'evalue' => $eVal,
- 'word_size' => $wordSize,
- 'gapopen' => $gapOpen,
- 'gapextend' => $gapExtend,
- 'matrix' => $matrix
+ 'max_target_seqs' => $numAlign,
+ 'evalue' => $eVal,
+ 'word_size' => $wordSize,
+ 'gapopen' => $gapOpen,
+ 'gapextend' => $gapExtend,
+ 'culling_limit' => $qRange,
+ 'matrix' => $matrix,
- * Fill the first dropdown list with appropriate options
+ * Fill the matrix dropdown list with appropriate options
* @return
* An array consisting of matrices name for the first dropdown list
-function _ajax_example_get_first_dropdown_options() {
+function _get_matrix_options() {
return drupal_map_assoc(array(
- t('PAM30'),
- t('PAM70'),
- t('PAM250'),
- t('BLOSUM80'),
- t('BLOSUM62'),
- t('BLOSUM45'),
- t('BLOSUM50'),
- t('BLOSUM90'),
+ t('PAM30'),
+ t('PAM70'),
+ t('PAM250'),
+ t('BLOSUM80'),
+ t('BLOSUM62'),
+ t('BLOSUM45'),
+ t('BLOSUM50'),
+ t('BLOSUM90'),
- * Fill the second dropdown list with appropriate options
+ * Fill the gap penalty dropdown list with appropriate options given selected matrix
* @return
* An array containing open and extension gap values for the chosen matrix (to fill the second dropdown list)
-function _ajax_example_get_second_dropdown_options($key = '') {
+function _get_gap_for_matrix($key = '') {
$options = array(
t('PAM30') => drupal_map_assoc(array(
t('Existence: 7 Extension: 2'),
@@ -954,18 +933,20 @@ function _ajax_example_get_second_dropdown_options($key = '') {
t('Existence: 10 Extension: 1'),
t('Existence: 9 Extension: 1'),
- );
- if (isset($options[$key])) {
- return $options[$key];
- } else {
- return array();
- }
+ );
+ if (isset($options[$key])) {
+ return $options[$key];
+ }
+ else {
+ return array();
+ }
* Respond to Ajax dropdown call
-function ajax_example_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) {
+function ajax_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) {
return $form['ALG']['SParam']['gapCost'];
@@ -987,6 +968,16 @@ function ajax_example_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) {
* The current state fo the form passed in as $form.
function blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
+ $all_job_data = variable_get('job_data', '');
+ if (isset($_GET['jid']) && isset($all_job_data)) {
+ $jid = base64_decode($_GET['jid']);
+ $job_data = $all_job_data[$jid];
+ }
+ else {
+ $job_data = array();
+ $jid = 0;
+ }
+ $defaults = _get_default_values($job_data, 'tblastn');
$form['ALG']['GParam'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
@@ -997,53 +988,313 @@ function blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form(&$form, $form_state) {
$form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Max target sequences:'),
- '#options' => array(
- 0 => t('10'),
- 1 => t('50'),
- 2 => t('100'),
- 3 => t('250'),
- 4 => t('500'),
- 5 => t('1000'),
- 6 => t('5000'),
- 7 => t('10000'),
- 8 => t('20000'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#options' => _get_max_target('tblastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['max_target_seqs'],
'#description' => t('Select the maximum number of aligned sequences to display'),
$form['ALG']['GParam']['eVal'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('e-Value (Expected Threshold)'),
- '#default_value' => 10,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['evalue'],
'#size' => 12,
'#maxlength' => 20,
'#description' => t('Expected number of chance matches in a random model. This number should be give in a decimal format. <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/blastcgihelp.shtml#expect" target="_blank">More Information</a> | <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO0wJgZRZJs" target="_blank">Expect value vedio tutorial</a>'),
+/*eksc- need to learn how this is implemented for tblastn
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['shortQueries'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Automatically adjust parameters for short input sequences'),
+ '#default_value' => TRUE,
+ );
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['wordSize'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Word size:'),
+ '#options' => _get_word_size('tblastn'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['word_size'],
+ '#description' => t('The length of the seed that initiates an alignment'),
+ );
+ // Scoring parameters
+ //.........................
+ $form['ALG']['SParam'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Scoring parameters'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ );
+ $matrix_options = _get_matrix_options();
+ $form['ALG']['SParam']['Matrix'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => 'Matrix',
+ '#options' => $matrix_options,
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['matrix'],
+ '#description' => t('Assigns a score for aligning pairs of residues, and determines overall alignment score..'),
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_dependent_dropdown_callback',
+ 'wrapper' => 'dropdown-second-replace',
+ ),
+ );
+ $form['ALG']['SParam']['gapCost'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Gap Costs:'),
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="dropdown-second-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#options' => _get_gap_for_matrix($$default['matrix']),
+ '#default_value' => 2,
+ '#description' => t('Cost to create and extend a gap in an alignment.'),
+ );
+ $form['ALG']['GParam']['qRange'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Max matches in a query range'),
+ '#default_value' => $defaults['qRange'],
+ '#size' => 12,
+ '#maxlength' => 20,
+ '#description' => t('Limit the number of matches to a query range. This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of a query may prevent BLAST from presenting weaker matches to another part of the query.'),
+ );
- * Validate the advanced options provided by the BLASTn form above.
+ * Validate the advanced options provided by the tBLASTn form above.
* @see blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form().
function blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form_validate($form, $form_state) { }
- * Processed the advanced options provided by the yBLASTn form above.
+ * Processed the advanced options provided by the tBLASTn form above.
* @see blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form().
function blast_ui_tblastn_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $eVal = $form_state['values']['eVal'];
+ return blast_ui_blastp_advanced_options_form_submit($form, $form_state);
- $trgtKey = $form_state['values']['maxTarget'];
- $numAlign = $form['ALG']['GParam']['maxTarget']['#options'][$trgtKey];
+ * Get default form values; may come from saved job data if user is re-running
+ * a previous job.
+ */
+function _get_default_values($job_data) {
+ // restore previous values or set to default
+ $max_target = (isset($job_data['options']['max_target_seqs']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['max_target_seqs'] : 10;
+ $short_queries = (isset($job_data['options']['shortQueries']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['shortQueries'] : true;
+ $evalue = (isset($job_data['options']['evalue']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['evalue'] : .001;
+ $word_size = (isset($job_data['options']['word_size']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['word_size'] : 11;
+ $qRange = (isset($job_data['options']['culling_limit']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['culling_limit'] : 0;
+ $matchmiss = 0;
+ $reward = (isset($job_data['options']['reward']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['reward'] : 1;
+ $penalty = (isset($job_data['options']['penalty']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['penalty'] : -2;
+ if ($reward == 1) {
+ switch ($penalty) {
+ case -1: $matchmiss = 5; break;
+ case -2: $matchmiss = 0; break;
+ case -3: $matchmiss = 1; break;
+ case -4: $matchmiss = 2; break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($reward == 2) {
+ $matchmiss = 3;
+ }
+ else if ($reward == 3) {
+ $matchmis = 4;
+ }
+ else if ($eward == 4) {
+ $matchmiss = 5;
+ }
+ $gap = 0;
+ $gapopen = (isset($job_data['options']['gapopen']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['gapopen'] : 5;
+ $gapextend = (isset($job_data['options']['gapextend']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['gapextend'] : 2;
+ if ($gapextend == 2) {
+ switch ($gapopen) {
+ case 5: $gap = 0; break;
+ case 2: $gap = 1; break;
+ case 1: $gap = 2; break;
+ case 0: $gap = 3; break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($gapextend == 1) {
+ switch ($gapopen) {
+ case 3: $gap = 4;
+ case 2: $gap = 5;
+ case 1: $gap = 6;
+ }
+ }
+// eksc- need to implement query range limit
+// $q_range = 0;
+ $matrix = (isset($job_data['options']['matrix']))
+ ? $job_data['options']['matrix'] : 'PAM30';
return array(
- 'evalue' => $eVal,
+ 'max_target_seqs' => $max_target,
+ 'short_queries' => $short_queries,
+ 'word_size' => $word_size,
+ 'evalue' => $evalue,
+ 'matchmiss' => $matchmiss,
+ 'gap' => $gap,
+ 'qRange' => $qRange,
+ 'matrix' => $matrix,
+function _get_max_target($which) {
+ switch ($which) {
+ case 'blastn':
+ case 'blastx':
+ case 'blastp':
+ case 'tblastn':
+ return array(
+ 10 => t('10'),
+ 50 => t('50'),
+ 100 => t('100'),
+ 250 => t('250'),
+ 500 => t('500'),
+ 1000 => t('1000'),
+ 5000 => t('5000'),
+ 10000 => t('10000'),
+ 20000 => t('20000'),
+ );
+ }//switch
+function _get_word_size($which) {
+ switch ($which) {
+ case 'blastn':
+ return array(
+ 7 => t('7'),
+ 11 => t('11'),
+ 15 => t('15'),
+ 16 => t('16'),
+ 20 => t('20'),
+ 24 => t('24'),
+ 28 => t('28'),
+ 32 => t('32'),
+ 48 => t('48'),
+ 64 => t('64'),
+ 128 => t('128'),
+ 256 => t('256'),
+ );
+ case 'blastx':
+ case 'blastp':
+ case 'tblastn':
+ return array(
+ 2 => t('2'),
+ 3 => t('3'),
+ 6 => t('6'),
+ );
+ }//switch
+function _get_match_mismatch($which) {
+ switch ($which) {
+ case 'blastn':
+ return array(
+ 0 => t('1,-2'),
+ 1 => t('1,-3'),
+ 2 => t('1,-4'),
+ 3 => t('2,-3'),
+ 4 => t('4,-5'),
+ 5 => t('1,-1'),
+ );
+ }//switch
+function _get_gap($which) {
+ switch ($which) {
+ case 'blastn':
+ return array(
+ 0 => t('Existence: 5 Extension: 2'),
+ 1 => t('Existence: 2 Extension: 2'),
+ 2 => t('Existence: 1 Extension: 2'),
+ 3 => t('Existence: 0 Extension: 2'),
+ 4 => t('Existence: 3 Extension: 1'),
+ 5 => t('Existence: 2 Extension: 1'),
+ 6 => t('Existence: 1 Extension: 1'),
+ );
+ }//switch
+function _set_gap($gap_key) {
+ switch ($gap_key) {
+ case 0:
+ $gapOpen = 5;
+ $gapExtend = 2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $gapOpen = 2;
+ $gapExtend = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $gapOpen = 1;
+ $gapExtend = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $gapOpen = 0;
+ $gapExtend = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $gapOpen = 3;
+ $gapExtend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $gapOpen = 2;
+ $gapExtend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $gapOpen = 1;
+ $gapExtend = 1;
+ break;
+ }//switch
+ return array('gapOpen' => $gapOpen, 'gapExtend' => $gapExtend);
+function _set_match_mismatch($m_m) {
+ switch ($m_m) {
+ case 0:
+ $penalty = -2;
+ $reward = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $penalty = -3;
+ $reward = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $penalty = -4;
+ $reward = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $penalty = -3;
+ $reward = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $penalty = -5;
+ $reward = 4;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $penalty = -1;
+ $reward = 1;
+ break;
+ }//switch
+ return array('penalty' => $penalty, 'reward' => $reward);