@@ -25,21 +25,65 @@
<?php print $hsp['Hsp_positive']; ?>/<?php print $hsp['Hsp_align-len']; ?> (<?php print $hsp['Hsp_positive']/$hsp['Hsp_align-len']*100;?>%)
+ <span class="coord-summary">
+ Query Matches <?php print $hsp['Hsp_query-from'] . ' to ' . $hsp['Hsp_query-to']; ?>
+ Hit Matches = <?php print $hsp['Hsp_hit-from'] . ' to ' . $hsp['Hsp_hit-to']; ?>
+ </span>
<div class="alignment">
<div class="alignment-row">
- <div class="query">
- <span class="alignment-title">Query:</span>
- <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print $hsp['Hsp_qseq']; ?></span>
- </div>
- <div class="matches">
- <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print $hsp['Hsp_midline']; ?></span>
- </div>
- <div class="subject">
- <span class="alignment-title">Subject:</span>
- <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print $hsp['Hsp_hseq']; ?></span>
- </div>
+ <?php
+ // We want to display the alignment with a max 60 residues per line with line numbers indicated.
+ // First break up the strings.
+ $query = str_split($hsp['Hsp_qseq'], 60);
+ $matches = str_split($hsp['Hsp_midline'], 60);
+ $hit = str_split($hsp['Hsp_hseq'], 60);
+ // determine the max length of the coordinate string to use when padding.
+ $coord_length = strlen($hsp['Hsp_hit-from']) + 3;
+ $coord_length = (strlen($hsp['Hsp_query-to']) + 3 > $coord_length) ? strlen($hsp['Hsp_query-to']) + 3 : $coord_length;
+ // Now foreach chink determined above...
+ foreach (array_keys($query) as $k) {
+ // Determine the current coordinates.
+ $coord['qstart'] = $hsp['Hsp_query-from'] + ($k * 60);
+ $coord['qstart'] = ($k == 0) ? $coord['qstart'] : $coord['qstart'] + 1;
+ $coord['hstart'] = $hsp['Hsp_hit-from'] + ($k * 60);
+ $coord['hstart'] = ($k == 0) ? $coord['hstart'] : $coord['hstart'] + 1;
+ $coord['qstop'] = $hsp['Hsp_query-from'] + (($k + 1) * 60);
+ $coord['qstop'] = ($coord['qstop'] > $hsp['Hsp_query-to']) ? $hsp['Hsp_query-to'] : $coord['qstop'];
+ $coord['hstop'] = $hsp['Hsp_hit-from'] + (($k + 1) * 60);
+ $coord['hstop'] = ($coord['hstop'] > $hsp['Hsp_hit-to']) ? $hsp['Hsp_hit-to'] : $hsp['Hsp_hit-from'];
+ // Pad these coordinates to ensure columned display.
+ foreach ($coord as $ck => $val) {
+ $pad_type = (preg_match('/start/', $ck)) ? STR_PAD_LEFT : STR_PAD_RIGHT;
+ $coord[$ck] = str_pad($val, $coord_length, '#', $pad_type);
+ $coord[$ck] = str_replace('#', ' ', $coord[$ck]);
+ }
+ ?>
+ <div class="alignment-subrow">
+ <div class="query">
+ <span class="alignment-title">Query:</span>
+ <span class="alignment-start-coord"><?php print $coord['qstart']; ?></span>
+ <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print $query[$k]; ?></span>
+ <span class="alignment-stop-coord"><?php print $coord['qstop']; ?></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="matches">
+ <?php print str_repeat(' ', 8); ?>
+ <?php print str_repeat(' ', $coord_length); ?>
+ <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print str_replace(' ', ' ', $matches[$k]); ?></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="hit">
+ <span class="alignment-title">Hit:</span>
+ <span class="alignment-start-coord"><?php print $coord['hstart']; ?></span>
+ <span class="alignment-residues"><?php print $hit[$k]; ?></span>
+ <span class="alignment-stop-coord"><?php print $coord['hstop']; ?></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <?php } ?>