소스 검색

BLAST help page

Reynold Tan 3 년 전
5개의 변경된 파일230개의 추가작업 그리고 7개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 27 5
  2. 1 1
  3. 27 0
  4. 1 1
  5. 174 0

+ 27 - 5

@@ -14,12 +14,29 @@ use Drupal\Core\Url;
 function blast_ui_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {  
   $context_links = [
+    // blast/nucleotide.
     'link_Nucleotide' => \Drupal::l(t('Nucleotide'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.nucleotide')),
-    'link_blastn'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastn'),     Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.nucleotide_nucleotide')),
-    'link_blastx'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastx'),     Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.nucleotide_protien')),
-    'link_Protien'    => \Drupal::l(t('Protein'),    Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien')),
-    'link_tblastn'    => \Drupal::l(t('tblastn'),    Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien_nucleotide')),
-    'link_blastp'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastp'),     Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien_protien'))
+    // blast/protien.
+    'link_Protien'    => \Drupal::l(t('Protein'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien')),
+    // blast/nucleotide/nucleotide
+    'link_blastn'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastn'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.nucleotide_nucleotide')),
+    // blast/nucleotide/protien
+    'link_blastx'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastx'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.nucleotide_protien')),
+    // blast/protien/nucleotide.
+    'link_tblastn'    => \Drupal::l(t('tblastn'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien_nucleotide')),
+    // blast/protien/protien.
+    'link_blastp'     => \Drupal::l(t('blastp'), Url::fromRoute('blast_ui.protien_protien')),
+    // MISC/ADMIN. 
+    'link_config'     => \Drupal::l(t('configuration'), Url::fromUri('admin/tripal/extension/tripal_blast/blast_ui')),
+    'link_jobs'       => \Drupal::l(t('tripal jobs'), Url::fromUri('blast_ui.protien_nucleotide')), 
+    'link_nodeadd'    => \Drupal::l(t('create BLAST database'), Url::fromUri('node/add/blastdb')),
+    'link_dbadd'      => \Drupal::l(t('configuration'), Url::fromUri('admin/tripal/chado/tripal_db/add')),
+    'link_dbfields'   => \Drupal::l(t('drupal field API'), Url::fromUri('admin/structure/types/manage/blastdb/fields'))
   $variables = [
@@ -29,6 +46,11 @@ function blast_ui_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
       'template'  => 'template-blast-ui-menupage',
+    // BLAST Help page.
+    'theme-blast-ui-help' => [
+      'variables' => ['context_links' => $context_links],
+      'template'  => 'template-blast-ui-help',
+    ],
   return $variables;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -109,6 +109,6 @@ blast_ui.help:
   path: 'admin/tripal/extension/tripal_blast/help'
     _title: 'Tripal BLAST Help'
-#    _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIHelp::content'
+    _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIBlastHelp::content'
     _permission: 'administer tripal'

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * @file 
+ * Construct BLAST UI Help Page.
+ */
+namespace Drupal\blast_ui\Controller;
+use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
+ * Defines TripalBlastUIBlastHelp class.
+ */
+class TripalBlastUIBlastHelp extends ControllerBase {
+  /**
+   * Returns a render-able array for submission form.
+   */
+  public function content() {
+    return [
+      '#theme' => 'theme-blast-ui-help',
+      '#attached' => [
+        'library' => [],
+        'drupalSettings' => []
+      ]      
+    ];  
+  }    

+ 1 - 1

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class BlastUIBlast {
     return $node;
    * Returns a list BLAST DATABASE options

+ 174 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * @file
+ * Default theme implementation of BLAST UI Help page.
+ */
+<h3>Tripal BLAST Module Description</h3>
+<p>This module provides a basic interface to allow your users to utilize your server's NCBI BLAST+.</p>
+  <a href="#setup">Setup</a> | 
+  <a href="#function">Functionality</a> | 
+  <a href="#protection">Large jobs | 
+  <a href="#genomeview">Genome visualization</a>
+<a name="setup"></a>
+<h3><b>Setup Instructions</b></h3>
+  <li>
+    Install NCBI BLAST+ on your server (Tested with 2.2.26+). There is a
+    <a href="https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ncbi-blast+">package available
+    for Ubuntu</a> to ease installation. Optionally you can set the path to your
+    BLAST executable: {{ context_links['link_config'] }} Page.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Optionally, create Tripal External Database References to allow you to link
+    the records in your BLAST database to further information. To do this simply
+    go to {{ context_links['link_dbadd'] }} and make sure to fill in the Database
+    prefix which will be concatenated with the record IDs in your BLAST database
+    to determine the link-out to additional information. Note that a regular
+    expression can be used when creating the BLAST database to indicate what the
+    ID is.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Create "BLAST Database" {{ context_links['link_nodeadd'] }} nodes for each dataset you want to make available for your users to BLAST
+    against. BLAST databases should first be created using the command-line
+    <code>makeblastdb</code> program with the <code>-parse_seqids</code> flag.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    It's recommended that you also install the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/tripal_daemon">Tripal Job Daemon</a>
+    to manage BLAST jobs and ensure they are run soon after being submitted by the
+    user. Without this additional module, administrators will have to execute the
+    tripal jobs either manually or through use of cron jobs.
+  </li>
+<a name="function"></a>
+<h3><b>Highlighted Functionality</b></h3>
+  <li>Supports {{ context_links['link_blastn'] }},
+    {{ context_links['link_blastx'] }},
+    {{ context_links['blastp'] }} and
+    {{ context_linkst['tblastx'] with separate forms depending upon the database/query type.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Simple interface allowing users to paste or upload a query sequence and then
+    select from available databases. Additionally, a FASTA file can be uploaded
+    for use as a database to BLAST against (this functionality can be disabled).
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Tabular Results listing with alignment information and multiple download
+    formats (HTML, TSV, XML) available.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Completely integrated with Tripal Jobs: {{ context_links['link_jobs'] }}
+    providing administrators with a way to track BLAST jobs and ensuring long
+    running BLASTs will not cause page time-outs
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    BLAST databases are made available to the module by creating Drupal Pages: {{ context_link['link_nodeadd'] }}
+    describing them. This allows administrators to use the Drupal Field API to add any information they want to these pages:
+    {{ context_links['link_dbfields'] }}
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    BLAST database records can be linked to an external source with more
+    information (ie: NCBI) per BLAST database.
+  </li>
+<a name="protection"</a></a>
+<h3><b>Protection Against Large Jobs</b></h3>
+Depending on the size and nature of your target databases, you may wish to constrain use
+of this module.
+  <li>Limit the number of results displayed via admin page. The recommended number is 500.</li>
+  <li>
+    Limit the maximum upload file size in php settings. This is less useful because some
+    very large queries may be manageable, and others not.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Repeat-mask your targets, or provide repeat-masked versions. Note that some
+    researchers may be looking for repeats, so this may limit the usefulness of the BLAST
+    service.
+  </li>
+<a name="genomeview"></a>
+<h3><b>Whole Genome Visualization</b></h3>
+This module can be configured to use
+<a href="https://github.com/LegumeFederation/cvitjs">CViTjs</a> to display BLAST hits on
+a genome image.
+<h4>CViTjs Setup</h4>
+  <li>
+    <a href="https://github.com/LegumeFederation/cvitjs">Download CViTjs</a> and copy
+    the code to your webserver. It needs to be placed in <code>[your drupal root]/sites/all/libraries</code>. To download, execute
+    the git command inside the <code>libraries/</code> directory:<br>
+    <code>git clone https://github.com/LegumeFederation/cvitjs.git</code>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    CViTjs will have a config file in its root directory named cvit.conf. This file
+    provides information for whole genome visualization for each genome BLAST target.
+    <b>Make sure the config file can be edited by your web server.</b>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Enable CViTjs from the BLAST module administration page.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Edit the configuration file to define each genome target. These will look like:
+    <pre>
+[data.Cajanus cajan - genome]
+conf = data/cajca/cajca.conf
+defaultData = data/cajca/cajca.gff</pre>
+    Where:<br>
+    <ul>
+      <li>the section name, "data.Cajanus cajan - genome", consists of "data." followed
+          by the name of the BLAST target node,</li>
+      <li>the file "cajca.conf" is a cvit configuration file which describes how to draw the
+          chromosomes and BLAST hits on the <i>Cajanus cajan</i> genome,</li>
+      <li>and the file "cajca.gff" is a GFF3 file that describes the <i>Cajanus cajan</i>
+          chromosomes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    At the top of the configuration file there must be a [general] section that defines
+    the default data set. For example:
+    <pre>
+data_default = data.Cajanus cajan - genome</pre>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    Edit the nodes for each genome target (nodes of type "BLAST Database") and enable whole
+    genome visualization. Remember that the names listed in the CViTjs config file must
+    match the BLAST node name. In the example above, the BLAST database node for the
+    <i>Cajanus cajan</i> genome assembly is named "Cajanus cajan - genome"
+  </li>
+<li>The .conf file for each genome can be modified to suit your needs and tastes. See the
+  sample configuration file, <code>data/test1/test1.conf</code>, and the CViTjs
+  <a href="https://github.com/LegumeFederation/cvitjs#using-cvitjs">documentation</a>.</li>
+<li>Each blast target CViTjs configuration file must define how to visualize blast hits or you will not see them.
+  <pre>[blast]
+feature = BLASTRESULT:match_part
+glyph   = position
+shape = rect
+color   = #FF00FF
+width = 5</pre></li>
+<li>You will have to put the target-specific conf and gff files (e.g. cajca.conf and
+  cjca.gff) on your web server, in the directory, <code>sites/all/libraries/cvitjs/data</code>. You may
+  choose to group files for each genome into subdirectories, for example,
+  <code>sites/all/libraries/cvitjs/data/cajca</code>.</li>
+<li>It is important to make sure that cvit.conf points to the correct data directory and the
+  correct .gff and .conf files for the genome in question. For more information about how to
+  create the .gff file, see the
+  <a href="https://github.com/LegumeFederation/cvitjs#how-to">documentation</a>.</li>