getNode(); // Using the nid? $resultdb = get_blast_database(['nid' => $node->nid]); $this->assertEquals($node->nid, $resultdb->nid, "Unable to find the correct blast database based on nid."); // Using the name. $resultdb = get_blast_database(['name' => $node->db_name]); $this->assertEquals($node->nid, $resultdb->nid, "Unable to find the correct blast database based on name."); // Using the path. $resultdb = get_blast_database(['path' => $node->db_path]); $this->assertEquals($node->nid, $resultdb->nid, "Unable to find the correct blast database based on path."); } /** * Tests get_blast_database_options(). */ public function testGetBlastDBOptions() { // Create 3 nodes to fetch. $nodes = array(); $seeder = \Tests\DatabaseSeeders\BlastDBNodeSeeder::seed(); $nodes[] = $seeder->getNode(); $seeder = \Tests\DatabaseSeeders\BlastDBNodeSeeder::seed(); $nodes[] = $seeder->getNode(); $seeder = \Tests\DatabaseSeeders\BlastDBNodeSeeder::seed(); $nodes[] = $seeder->getNode(); $options = get_blast_database_options('nucleotide'); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(3, sizeof($options), "Did not retrieve all 3 nodes we inserted as options."); // Check each node we inserted is in the options. foreach ($nodes as $node) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($node->nid, $options, "Unable to find a specific node option that we know should be there."); } } }