assertFileExists($blast_path . 'blastn', 'NCBI blastn command not found. Expecting it here: '.$blast_path.'blastn'); $this->assertFileExists($blast_path . 'blast_formatter', 'NCBI blast_formatter command not found. Expecting it here: '.$blast_path.'blast_formatter'); // Make sure the path to blast is set! if ($blast_path == '/usr/local/bin/') { variable_set('blast_path', '/usr/local/bin/'); } // Retrieve paths to files. $module_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module','blast_ui'); $file_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files'); // Set parameters for run_BLAST_tripal_job(). $program = 'blastn'; $query = $module_path . '/tests/test_files/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta'; $database = $module_path . '/tests/test_files/Citrus_sinensis-scaffold00001'; $output_filestub = $file_path . '/tripal/tripal_blast/' . $faker->word; // Quick check that the output file doesnt already exists ;-). $this->assertFileNotExists($output_filestub . '.asn', "Result File, $output_file, already exists before the command is run."); // We start the test with no options. $options = array(); // Supress output and tripal errors. // NOTE: silent() didn't work for some reason. // putenv("TRIPAL_SUPPRESS_ERRORS=TRUE"); // ob_start(); run_BLAST_tripal_job($program, $query, $database, $output_filestub, $options); // Clean the buffer and unset tripal errors suppression. // ob_end_clean(); // putenv("TRIPAL_SUPPRESS_ERRORS"); // Loop through each expected output file... $files_to_check = array(); $files_to_check[] = $output_filestub . '.asn'; $files_to_check[] = $output_filestub . '.xml'; $files_to_check[] = $output_filestub . '.tsv'; $files_to_check[] = $output_filestub . '.html'; $files_to_check[] = $output_filestub . '.gff'; foreach($files_to_check as $output_file) { // Check that the file exists. $this->assertFileExists($output_file, "Result File, $output_file, doesn't exist."); // Check that the file is not empty. $this->assertNotEquals(0, filesize($output_file), "The Result File, $output_file, is empty."); // Clean-up by removing the file. unlink($output_file); } } }