blast_ui.routing.yml 3.2 KB

  1. # This route is for single all-in-one BLAST submission form.
  2. blast_ui.blast:
  3. path: 'blast'
  4. defaults:
  5. _title: 'Tripal BLAST'
  6. _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIBlastSubmit::content'
  7. requirements:
  8. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  9. # Routes below are for query-based type BLAST submission forms.
  11. blast_ui.nucleotide:
  12. path: 'blast/nucleotide'
  13. defaults:
  14. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: Nucleotide Query'
  15. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastNucleotideSubmitForm'
  16. requirements:
  17. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  18. # PROTEIN
  19. blast_ui.protein:
  20. path: 'blast/protein'
  21. defaults:
  22. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: Protein Query'
  23. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastProteinSubmitForm'
  24. requirements:
  25. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  26. # Routes below are for BLAST-program-based submission form.
  28. blast_ui.nucleotide_nucleotide:
  29. path: 'blast/nucleotide/nucleotide'
  30. defaults:
  31. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: BLASTn'
  32. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastNucleotideProgramNucleotideSubmitForm'
  33. requirements:
  34. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  35. blast_ui.nucleotide_protein:
  36. path: 'blast/nucleotide/protein'
  37. defaults:
  38. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: BLASTx'
  39. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastNucleotideProgramProteinSubmitForm'
  40. requirements:
  41. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  43. blast_ui.protein_nucleotide:
  44. path: 'blast/protein/nucleotide'
  45. defaults:
  46. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: tBLASTn'
  47. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastProteinProgramNucleotideSubmitForm'
  48. requirements:
  49. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  50. blast_ui.protein_protein:
  51. path: 'blast/protein/protein'
  52. defaults:
  53. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: BLASTp'
  54. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIBlastProteinProgramProtienSubmitForm'
  55. requirements:
  56. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  57. # This route handles the BLAST result page.
  59. path: 'blast/report'
  60. defaults:
  61. _title: 'Tripal BLAST: Results'
  62. # _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIBlastReport::content'
  63. requirements:
  64. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  65. # This route is for Database Node (BLAST DB Node).
  66. blast_ui.blastdb:
  67. path: 'admin/tripal/extension/tripal_blast/node__blastdb'
  68. defaults:
  69. _title: 'Tripal BLAST DB Node'
  70. # _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIBlastDB::content'
  71. requirements:
  72. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  73. # Route items below are rendered as linked task (tabs).
  74. # Order is as they appear in configuration page.
  75. # @see blast_ui.links.task.yml
  76. # This route is used to to configure this module.
  77. # It is defined in the configuration key of this module's info file.
  78. blast_ui.config:
  79. path: 'admin/tripal/extension/tripal_blast/blast_ui'
  80. defaults:
  81. _title: 'Tripal BLAST User Interface'
  82. # _form: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Form\TripalBlastUIConfigurationForm'
  83. requirements:
  84. _permission: 'administer tripal'
  85. # This route (configuration) is the help page for using this module.
  87. path: 'admin/tripal/extension/tripal_blast/help'
  88. defaults:
  89. _title: 'Tripal BLAST Help'
  90. _controller: '\Drupal\blast_ui\Controller\TripalBlastUIBlastHelp::content'
  91. requirements:
  92. _permission: 'administer tripal'